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Kingfisher is tagged in 41 stories. Page 2 of 3.
Kingfisher, IKEA Talk Evolution Into Circular, Service, Sharing Business Models
Kingfisher, IKEA Talk Evolution Into Circular, Service, Sharing Business Models

8 years ago - DIY retailer Kingfisher and Swedish housewares giant IKEA both recently told edie of the potential to incorporate elements of the sharing economy and servitization, in what they see as a "natural progression" of their business models.

7 Key Players Needed to Take Us Over the Circular Economy Finish Line
7 Key Players Needed to Take Us Over the Circular Economy Finish Line

8 years ago - Circular business models thrive on longevity, reuse and capacity sharing - they disrupt, uncover customer value and drive resource efficiency. Many would agree that society needs to adopt this circular thinking, but how do we really make it happen at large?The truth is, there are several players required to accelerate the journey to a more circular economy; it can't be achieved by certain echelons of society alone. Instead, it requires a holistic view of the diverse role business, public bodies and investors all have to play to accelerate the uptake of circular principles; a belief reflected in the categories of this year’s Circular Economy Awards, aka The Circulars.

Kingfisher Highlights Progress Toward Net Positive Goals in 2015 Report
Kingfisher Highlights Progress Toward Net Positive Goals in 2015 Report

9 years ago - A collaborative approach to responsible sourcing, packaging and the circular economy has taken DIY giant Kingfisher to new heights in the second year of its Net Positive sustainability plan.On Wednesday, the parent company of B&Q, Screwfix and other European home-improvement brands released its annual Net Positive Report, updating stakeholders on its sustainability ambition to transform the business to have a restorative impact on the environment.

The Path to Net Positive: Principles, Practical Models and Progress to Date
The Path to Net Positive: Principles, Practical Models and Progress to Date

9 years ago - Couldn't make ittoSB '15 San Diego?View this session'spresentationhereand catch up onthe week's

SB '15 Barcelona Launch Welcomes Ever-Growing Consortium of Sustainability Thought Leaders
SB '15 Barcelona Launch Welcomes Ever-Growing Consortium of Sustainability Thought Leaders

9 years ago - Boy, do they know how to get excited about innovation in Barcelona.Many of our corporate members, international partners, and sustainability thought leaders are still recovering from what was an amazing Sustainable Brands global conference launch last week in Spain.In partnership with Quiero Salvar El Mundo Haciendo Marketing, Sustainable Brands ’15 Barcelona — now our third European conference — launched with over 300 attendees and an overwhelming energy, enthusiasm and effort.

Cheshire: 'Connect Your Vision to Your Business Model - Otherwise It Will Just Be Lipstick on a Bulldog'
Cheshire: 'Connect Your Vision to Your Business Model - Otherwise It Will Just Be Lipstick on a Bulldog'

9 years ago - Sir Ian Cheshire | Image credit: The TimesFirst, let’s quash the rumours that have been circling ever since Sir Ian Cheshire announced he would step down as group chief executive of Kingfisher, Europe’s largest home improvement retailer.

Speakers Reimagine Business Models, Stakeholder Engagement, Product Sustainability on #SB14London Day 2
Speakers Reimagine Business Models, Stakeholder Engagement, Product Sustainability on #SB14London Day 2

9 years ago - In her opening address Tuesday at SB ’14 London, Sustainable Brands founder KoAnn Skrzyniarz confronted the audience with a challenge: Reimagine what an economy might look like if it was based on trust.“The big root of the conversation we’ve been having this year is about connecting head and heart,” she said.Reflecting that it had been “an explosive year” on many fronts, with key battles on ideology taking place across the world, Skrzyniarz said the passion for interlinking sustainable business with social value was growing: “As we continue to have this conversation around the world, more communities are coming to us, asking us to localise the conversation,” she revealed.

From Spend Shifters to Strategic Buyers: How Soon Will Climate Become a Reason to Purchase?
From Spend Shifters to Strategic Buyers: How Soon Will Climate Become a Reason to Purchase?

9 years ago - One of the highlights of Sustainable Brands ‘13 London was Chip Walker’s talk about The Shifting Landscape of Consumer Values and Implications for Your Brand’s Future. The power in Walker’s delivery was, in common with all the best talks, that he provided insight into questions that everyone in his audience has. Specifically, he shed new light on how consumers think about brands.

B&Q Is Out to Make Gardening as Sustainable as We Always Thought It Was
B&Q Is Out to Make Gardening as Sustainable as We Always Thought It Was

9 years ago - As an urban farmer, I’ve always been proud of my small-scale food production and gardening efforts, thinking that I’m supporting nature and working with the environment. But I wasn’t aware of the impacts of the gardening materials I chose and unable to see the big picture and interconnectedness of what I thought was a sustainable practice. For example, I sighed every time I tried to save the unrecyclable polystyrene planting trays for the next season or reuse them for other purposes, knowing that there was no better option out there. The common use of peat as compost in the trays is also an issue — turns out, commercial harvesting can destroy hundreds of years’ worth of peat and complex wildlife ecosystems in one or two years.

IKEA, Tetra Pak, Kingfisher Partner to Measure Impact of Sustainable Forestry
IKEA, Tetra Pak, Kingfisher Partner to Measure Impact of Sustainable Forestry

9 years ago - IKEA, Tetra Pak and Kingfisher are partnering​ to promote the benefits of legal, responsibly sourced, sustainable timber and clarify the role of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification in the delivery of these values. The two-year Value and Impact Analysis (VIA) initiative will support the development of a methodology for assessing the impacts of FSC forest management certification and the piloting of this methodology in selected areas. It is supported by IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative and coordinated by the ISEAL Alliance.

Disrupt or Die: Brand Leaders Talk Logistics of a Circular Economy
Disrupt or Die: Brand Leaders Talk Logistics of a Circular Economy

10 years ago - No one can deny that the emergence of circular economy thinking is throwing up some fascinating dynamics right now. This urgent need for systems-level redesign requires an experimental cocktail of innovation and imagination, not to mention open platform dialogue and collaboration. Increasingly, brands are realising that is it no longer sufficient to be wedded to sustainable ideals; they need to be prepared to disrupt their business models from within.

How Can a Business Succeed by Giving Back More Than It Takes?
How Can a Business Succeed by Giving Back More Than It Takes?

10 years ago - It is becoming increasingly clear that the traditional view of business existing purely to maximise profit for shareholders is not so much wrong as built for another time. Businesses have been slowly moving towards a model that recognises the impact they have on society and the environment, putting increasing amounts of budget and resources towards mitigating that impact. But just minimising the amount of environmental damage a business does is no longer enough.Nor is it sufficient to rely predominantly on CSR to create a good impression. Information is becoming ever more accessible, which means that businesses are subject to greater levels of scrutiny than ever before.

WEF, Ellen MacArthur Foundation Project Circular Economy Can Generate US$1T Annually by 2025
WEF, Ellen MacArthur Foundation Project Circular Economy Can Generate US$1T Annually by 2025

10 years ago - A new report released Friday by the World Economic Forum (WEF) at its annual meeting in Davos, in collaboration with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation (EMF), contends that over US$1 trillion a year could be generated for the global economy by 2025 and 100,000 new jobs created within the next five years if companies focused on building circular supply chains to increase the rate of recycling, reuse and remanufacture.

Unilever Becomes Ellen MacArthur Foundation's Newest Global Partner
Unilever Becomes Ellen MacArthur Foundation's Newest Global Partner

10 years ago - The Ellen MacArthur Foundation (EMF) announced today from the World Economic Forum in Davos that Unilever has joined Cisco, Kingfisher, Philips and Renault as the EMF’s latest Global Partner. The partnership will find the Foundation supporting Unilever as a pathfinder in unlocking the value of the circular economy within the FMCG industry. Unilever CEO Paul Polman has long viewed the circular economy model as a key opportunity for business development. In his foreword for the Foundation's second economic report, he stated:

Top 10 Ways Brands Used Their Power to Create a More Sustainable World in 2013
Top 10 Ways Brands Used Their Power to Create a More Sustainable World in 2013

10 years ago - 2013 was a banner year for companies using their muscle to drive transformative change, both internally and globally. Without further ado, here is just a taste of some of the progress we found most inspiring.

Businesses, NGOs Joining Forces to Build Net Positive Movement
Businesses, NGOs Joining Forces to Build Net Positive Movement

10 years ago - A diverse group of leading UK companies and multinationals including BT, Kingfisher, Coca-Cola Enterprises, SKF, Capgemini and The Crown Estate have teamed up with NGOs Forum for the Future, The Climate Group and WWF-UK to encourage businesses to commit to becoming net positive, by giving back more than they take from the environment and society.

Breakouts Echo Key Themes of Engagement, Shared Value, Net Positivity on SB London Day Two
Breakouts Echo Key Themes of Engagement, Shared Value, Net Positivity on SB London Day Two

10 years ago - After another morning of inspiring plenary sessions, the afternoon breakout sessions on SB London day two began with BBMG’s Raphael Bemporad, Lonesome George‘s Eduardo Balarezo, and Telefonica‘s Mark McGinn continued the thread by discussing corporate initiatives aimed at “Delivering Trust Through Shared Value.”

IKEA and Kingfisher Pledge Ambitious 'Net Positive' Agendas, But Can They Work?
IKEA and Kingfisher Pledge Ambitious 'Net Positive' Agendas, But Can They Work?

10 years ago - Today an ever-increasing number of companies and brands are likely to have a corporate social responsibility agenda because customers and other stakeholders demand they hold themselves accountable for their environmental and social performance. Now more companies are pushing the boundaries, or in reality, talking about going further than merely just becoming more “sustainable” or “responsible.” Zero-waste has become a mantra at some of the world’s most iconiccompanies, including Procter & Gamble and Unilever.

From Revolution to Renaissance?
From Revolution to Renaissance?

11 years ago - I had occasion this week to be in San Diego for Sustainable Brands '13, where I offered opening remarks on June 4, the first full day of the conference. Conclusions from Changing Tack, the final output of The Regeneration Roadmap, were top of mind as I did so.

UK Task Force Report Explains Why Businesses, Government Should Prioritize Environmental Preservation
UK Task Force Report Explains Why Businesses, Government Should Prioritize Environmental Preservation

11 years ago - Today, the Ecosystem Markets Task Force (EMTF), an independent task force aimed at finding new opportunities for UK businesses to drive green economic growth, released its Final Report stating the opportunities available for businesses that properly value nature