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Circular Economy

The constant stream of new models, products and processes that are helping organizations extend the useful life of resources and materials while reducing, repurposing and ultimately eliminating waste in all its forms

The Ugly Company Raises $9M to Grow Market, Capacity for Upcycled Fruit Empire

The dried fruit snack maker is on a mission to put a dent in the massive produce waste issue on farms in California’s Central Valley, while teaching consumers the value in ‘food waste.’

The Problem with Recycling, Part 1: How Can We Fix the Broken Plastic-Recycling System?

This is the first in a three-part series in which we break down key barriers and opportunities to turn ‘the plastic recycling problem’ into a circular plastics economy.

3 Energy and Sustainability Trends to Watch in 2023

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. With the year in full swing, we expect to see further innovations to increase energy efficiency, reduce water consumption; and overall, advance sustainability in the energy industry.

Sobering Report Says Auto Industry Will Spend Remaining Carbon Budget Well Ahead of Schedule

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. Commissioned by EV makers Polestar and Rivian, the report details three levers that need to be pulled in unison and at full tilt for the industry to meet critical climate-action targets.

Tomorrow’s Circular, Low-Carbon Economy Is Being Built Today

Cross-Posted from From Purpose to Action: Building a Sustainable Future Together. The supply of recycled plastics must be more robust to meet global demand. A mix of mechanical and advanced recycling technologies can provide tangible solutions, create efficiencies and increase scale.

Report: People in US More Concerned Over Climate Than Ever

Yale’s latest ‘Climate Change in the American Mind’ report reveals respondents’ feelings about climate change and the role of business and government in driving meaningful action — beginning with a transition to clean energy.

Economic Centers in China, US Top Global Ranking for Climate and Extreme Weather Risks

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. “Since extensive built infrastructure generally overlaps with high levels of economic activity and capital value, it is imperative that the physical risk of climate change is appropriately understood and priced."

Apparel Brands Drive Circular Fashion Future with Recyclable, Renewable Fabrics

Cross-Posted from Materials & Packaging. Pangaia and Filippa K are the latest to unveil collaborations with circular textile innovators — fueling progress toward closing the loop on fabric waste.

NZAOA Updates Protocols to Provide Clearer Path to Portfolio Decarbonization

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. Investment portfolio emissions make up the lion’s share of an asset owner’s footprint. The Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance’s newest Protocol aims to fight inertia in pro-climate financing and get investor portfolios in line with science by 2050.

Store Shelves of the Future: Packaging for a Circular Economy

Cross-Posted from From Purpose to Action: Building a Sustainable Future Together. We recently gathered leaders from McKinsey, Unilever and Colgate-Palmolive to ponder what consumer products and their packaging will look like in 2035 and beyond.

Alaska’s Move to Eliminate Inflight Plastic Reveals Issues Within US Recycling Infrastructure

Cross-Posted from Materials & Packaging. The airline quickly hit a roadblock in the unrecyclability of paper cups with an integrated plastic lining necessary for beverage service.

England’s Partial Single-Use Plastic Ban Greeted with Lukewarm Response

Starting in October, the country will phase out a variety of single-use plastic products; but most think it does not go far enough to tackle pollution and waste.

Brands Grapple with Sustainable Growth in Crowded, Stalling, Alternative-Protein Market

Industry players must keep making their products even more attractive, appeal to older generations and bring down costs. Only then can we address the significant environmental impacts of animal agriculture while satisfying the meat-loving masses.

National Coalition Launches Community- and Equity-Driven '30x30' Agenda for Nature

The 150-member America the Beautiful for All Coalition brings diverse experiences and perspectives to the frontline fight to save 30 percent of US land, fresh water and ocean by 2030.

Farming More Seaweed Could Be Sustainable Way Forward for Food, Feed, Fuel

Seaweed has great potential as a superfood and a building block for products including plastics, fibers and fuel. Expanding seaweed farming could help reduce demand for crops on land and global GHGs from agriculture by up to 2.6B tonnes of CO2e per year.

Purposeful Policy: How Governments at All Levels Everywhere Can Accelerate the Purpose Economy

Policymakers everywhere now have a blueprint — and role models — for purposeful policy to better align corporate behaviour with public interest and to create allies for the work that lies ahead.

Study: CSOs Committed to Decarbonization But Skittish About Offsetting

Carbon management is top priority for Chief Sustainability Officers; but many are stymied by uncertainty around the most impactful strategies. Here, South Pole adds context and insight to the debate.

BIER Guides Beverage Companies on Water Circularity

The Guide provides easy-to-follow processes, as well as important considerations when pivoting focus from on-site techniques to off-site circularity endeavors.

Will Mill Be a Game-Changing Solution to Home Food Waste?

Cross-Posted from Consumer Behavior Change. The Mill system offers a practical, circular solution for reducing home food waste and the resulting, climate-changing greenhouse gases — with minimal effort on the part of users.

Trending: Reports Call for Fashion to End Its Wicked Ways

Cross-Posted from Supply Chain. New reports by Zero Waste Europe and Planet Tracker slam the industry for piecemeal attempts at sustainability and circularity; where it fails to adopt more holistic approaches and take greater responsibility for environmental and social issues, investors must help move the needle.