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Circular Economy

The constant stream of new models, products and processes that are helping organizations extend the useful life of resources and materials while reducing, repurposing and ultimately eliminating waste in all its forms

BASF Collaboration to Develop Closed-Loop Process for Recycling EV Batteries

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. The ReLieVe project will develop and scale the process and structuring of an integrated industrial sector — from collection and recycling of end-of-life batteries, to the manufacturing of new electrode materials.

Foolproofing Sustainability with the ‘Biosphere Rules’

Remediation has had some successes. But you can’t remediate an extinct species, an acidified ocean or a climate that’s pushed beyond its critical tipping point. What we need to be doing is “premediation."

With New Absolute-Reduction Strategy, Unilever 'Gets Drastic on Plastic’

By 2025, the CPG giant says it will eliminate more than 100K tonnes of plastic packaging, and collect and process more plastic packaging than it sells. This makes Unilever the first global CPG company to commit to an absolute plastics reduction across its portfolio.

UN-Backed Chocolate Bar Enables Consumers to Directly Impact Farmer Livelihoods

Cross-Posted from Supply Chain. The Other Bar is an experiment in influencing consumer behaviour through quantifiable proof of impact. If it can prove that consumers will buy and be loyal to impactful products, the hope is that bigger brands will want to follow suit, turning their marketing dollars into impact.

WWF’s ReSource Hub: A System-Wide Feedback Loop for Solving Plastic Pollution

WWF's ReSource: Plastic platform is helping companies implement ways to reduce the most plastic, measure the impact — and hold them all to account in the process. WWF’s Erin Simon told us more.

Maldives, Parley for the Ocean Creating New Model for Healthy ‘Future Island Nations’

Cross-Posted from Collaboration & Co-Creation. They plan to develop a scalable model for government- and industry-led responses to ocean and climate threats, and establish proof of concept for a new economy in which harmful materials and business practices are relics of the past.

The Climate Crisis-Mitigation Opportunity in America’s Backyard

With a narrow window to address the climate crisis, businesses must make the most of the opportunities in front of us. Family-owned forests offer a natural climate solution that can deliver real impact today and well into the future.

Do We Need Science-Based Targets for Plastic?

How much plastic recycling is enough to save our seas? It might be time to do the math and set forth quantifiable expectations and accountabilities for plastic production, use and recovery, as we’ve started to do with emissions.

With Farm-Level Food Loss Data, Our Food Waste Problem Is Much Bigger Than We Thought

Food waste isn’t a new story. We read about the waste that’s happening in the grocery store and we see it happening on our countertops. But waste on the farm is still largely undiscussed, and adds a whole new aspect to the problem.

ReGrained Rebrands, Invites Us All to ‘Eat Up!’

ReGrained — which has made a name for itself with nutrient-dense granola bars made from spent brewery grains — has announced a new brand aesthetic, complete with a consumer call to action.

Trending: Circular In, Single-Use Out for Food and Beverage Containers

12 UK projects have earned grants for creating a circular economy for coffee cups; and a Toronto restaurant is trialing reusable to-go containers, and asking others to follow suit.

Meet the Latest 12 Startups Set to Change Fashion as We Know it

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. Innovations in garment fitting, recycling, intelligent machinery and a virtual garment marketplace are among the 12 new innovations joining the latest Fashion for Good-Plug and Play Accelerator Programme.

Partnerships, Recyclable K-Cups® Helping Keurig Dr Pepper Towards Waste-Reduction Goals

Cross-Posted from Collaboration & Co-Creation. What happens when an ethical coffee company merges with a major soda group? Chief Sustainability Officer Monique Oxender told us more about Keurig Dr Pepper and its new “Drink Well, Do Good” platform.

Wanted: ‘Moonshot' Thinking for the Planet’s New Challenges

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. Coined after we first set foot on the Moon 50 years ago, 'Moonshot' thinking means applying disruptive, innovative thinking to difficult problems. Today, we have access to means and resources that were unimaginable 50 years ago. Let’s make the impossible possible again.

Meet CHEP: The Unsung Leader in Circular, Data-Driven Transport Solutions

Cross-Posted from Supply Chain. Wooden pallets may not be the most glamorous part of the global supply chain, but nothing gets moved around without them, and they are a huge opportunity for a circular economy.

Abbott’s Environmental Goals Build a More Sustainable Business

Abbott's purpose is to help people live their best through better health. Protecting the environment is an important part of that commitment — that's why we seek the most sustainable ways to deliver life-changing technologies to people around the world.

Emerging Food Trend a Win for Sustainability

Ingredients such as sorghum, fonio and moringa are appearing on restaurant menus and in grocery stores. Increasing the diversity of foods used won’t just deliver flavor and a unique sales angle, but also support more resilient and sustainable production.

SB’19 Montevideo: The Road to a Healthy World Is Paved with ‘Transformative Promises’

In the first gathering of the Sustainable Brands community in Uruguay last week, change agents from a wide swath of perspectives shared their visions of what’s necessary to course-correct our way to a healthy, flourishing future — and where the power really lies in driving change.

A 10-Step Plan for Halving Food Loss and Waste by 2030

The UN set a global goal to cut food loss and waste in half by 2030. Alarming figures show just how big of a challenge remains. The size of the prize is huge. So, too, must be the action to seize it.

How Dow Is Helping Global Communities Tackle Plastic Waste

By helping to incentivize, develop and scale circular and environmentally beneficial projects, we can maximize the value of waste, empower communities and create a more sustainable future.