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Circular Economy

The constant stream of new models, products and processes that are helping organizations extend the useful life of resources and materials while reducing, repurposing and ultimately eliminating waste in all its forms

Q&A on LTSE: SASB Founder Jean Rogers on the First Legally Binding, Sustainable Stock Exchange

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. Created by some of the brilliant minds who built the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), the Long-Term Stock Exchange is a first-of-its-kind exchange that invests in companies focused on long-term value creation, while requiring the listed companies to report on their sustainability.

Will We Get Closer to Circularity in 2020?

While the concept of a circular economy has made its way into the public consciousness; unfortunately, as of 2018, circularity globally is only at 9%. In order for circularity to deliver on its potential in this decade, we’ll need to see more of the following …

Sell Responsibly… or Else? It’s Time to Face (Over)-Consumption and Come Up with Creative Solutions

Cross-Posted from Marketing & Communications. We shouldn’t lure people into buying more than they need; but rather, help people make it all add up to a more meaningful life. Brands might be able to keep afloat on a short-term strategy and hide behind a cloak of innocence, but every dinosaur step is one closer to extinction.

Big Finance Is About to Unify Its 3 Distinct Sustainability Brands

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. To profit from sustainability, financiers first must be set free from the current profit-and-risk framework; so they, too, can see the infinite possibilities that lie beyond a carbon-based economy.

What Will a Circular Economy Mean for Branding?

Cross-Posted from Marketing & Communications. While a circular economy will present huge challenges to most brands' conventional business models, there are huge opportunities for those who embrace and adapt to this change — while those who drag their heels with incremental changes will undoubtedly fall behind.

How Being a Benefit Corporation Can Legally Protect a Company’s Mission

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. The rise of the benefit corporation is in direct response to shareholder primacy. Under benefit corporation frameworks governed by state law, corporations that operate according to a “doing well by doing good” ethos may be shielded from a range of acquisition tactics and shareholder suits.

We Need a Business Revolution — and We Can’t Base It on the Kindness of CEOs

Entrepreneurs and investors across the US and Europe see the need to redefine ownership and governance — so much so that a grassroots global movement is emerging to develop and support business models rooted in stakeholder governance.

Starbucks Commits to a Resource-Positive Future, Giving More than It Takes from the Planet

In a public letter to all company stakeholders, CEO Kevin Johnson sets 2030 science-based targets for carbon, water and waste as part of a multi-decade aspiration.

Dispelling 5 Common Myths about Regeneration and Regenerative Business

Regeneration is about leaving nature and society healthier, better off and more resilient than we found them. It’s the future of sustainability. And the business case for regenerative business and regenerative leadership in all aspects of life has never been stronger.

Dow: Intent on #PullingOurWeight Around Cleaning Up Plastic Waste

Waste is a fact, but it doesn’t have to be feared. We can tackle this through collection, sorting and processing; and by understanding where and why trash is finding its way into the environment, so we can stop it.

Recyclate – A New Lease on Life for Consumer Packaging?

Consumers appreciate recycled packaging as long as it doesn’t affect the quality, functionality and price of the product. But how do brands remain competitive in view of added costs for high-quality recycling and the low price of virgin plastics?

Empowering Customers While Building Better Business, a Thriving Future for All

With higher-priced products, “sustainability” can still be seen as a privilege. It is time for brands to empower consumers by offering them accessible choices that are better for them, for the planet and for generations to come.

Meet the Team Reconnecting Communities to Oceans, While Cleaning Them Up

Cross-Posted from Consumer Behavior Change. The Ocean Legacy Foundation's new EPIC Program gives communities a four-step program for dealing with plastic pollution — education, policy interventions, improved infrastructure and ongoing clean-up efforts.

Better Resource Management Is the Key to Achieving All SDGs

Whether the eradication of poverty, or the support of climate positivity, all of the SDGs are about creating a balance of resource flows. Responsible production and consumption are essential to this — and achievable through connection, community and a bit of creativity.

The 5 Purpose Trends Set to Lead the Way in 2020

Ben Hayman — Managing Partner at Given London — predicts the biggest brand purpose trends in the year ahead. For brands getting it right in 2020, purpose will be viewed as a comprehensive and systemic approach to change, rather than simply a marketing platform.

Give More, and Better, This Season: The 2019 SB Holiday Gift Guide

What better way to celebrate and participate in the season of giving than with gifts that truly keep on giving? Here are just a few of our favorite discoveries this year of products we'd be thrilled to give and receive.

Trending: The Latest and Greatest Ways to Imbibe More Sustainably

Or, how to expand your conscious consumerism to include anti-waste cocktails, carbon-negative nightcaps and a hard kombucha that’s easy on the environment.

25 Years On: Lessons Learned from Interface’s Ongoing Sustainability Journey

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. Why are lessons learned by a flooring company relevant? Many of the challenges we had to solve are the same that companies are struggling with as they pursue sustainability. Our accomplishments are significant because they show it is possible to transform a business and put sustainability at the core.

285 Companies’ Science-Based Targets Signal Significant Progress Toward Paris Agreement Goals

Cross-Posted from Collaboration & Co-Creation. New report reveals that by meeting their science-based targets, these companies — with more GHGs than France and Spain, combined — will eliminate 265 million metric tons of emissions from their operations, equivalent to closing 68 coal-fired power plants.

The Biosphere Rules: Sustainability Is a Destination, Not a Journey

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. Envision a future where every material thing in our world is made out of a handful of materials, carefully selected to be safe, healthy and infinitely recyclable. Everything from coffee cup to countertop could be broken down and used as raw materials for a new shawl or lampshade.