Global consumers agree the environment should be an economic priority — even if
it leads to slower growth — and companies that fail to adapt their business
models will face consumer backlash, according to findings of the latest ING
International Survey.
A majority (60 percent) of US respondents* agree with the suggestion that
slower growth would be a price worth paying to protect the environment;
while, despite price being of key importance when shopping for homewares, 53
percent of US consumers agree that companies that don’t take steps to become
more sustainable and demonstrate that effort will experience consumer backlash
over time.
The results come amid growing calls to action from movements such as
Greta Thunberg’s ongoing global climate change
and the proposed Green New
Slow to react
Many consumers say they already support a movement towards a circular economy by
reducing, reusing and recycling products. The survey also suggests consumers are
willing to bear some of the cost of sustainability. Repairing broken appliances
makes sense for half of US consumers, if the repair costs up to 40 percent of a
new replacement.
But attitudes towards a circular economy differ across countries. In the US, 39
percent said the offer of a financial incentive wouldn’t change their recycling
— a similar number to those who said so in Turkey (36 percent), but a small
group compared to the 63 percent who said no to a reward in Luxembourg.
Discrepancies in local circular activities may be partially explained by
established local norms — both cultural and social — and access to recycling and
repair facilities, as well as contextual influences such as how fast items can
be repaired and the perceived value of doing so.
Most respondents also acknowledged the problem of overconsumption in their home
countries — with 64 percent of US, 69 percent of European, and 60 percent of
Australian consumers saying people in their country are excessively focused
on consumption.
In ING’s 2018 IIS survey on sustainability, consumers pointed to cost and a lack
of knowledge as key barriers to changing their behavior. This year’s findings
verify the challenge of turning attitudes into action. Despite one-in-three (34
percent) naming climate change as the greatest environmental challenge we face,
only half (53 percent) say they always separate their waste at home, lagging
behind the European average of 76 percent. A quarter (25 percent) of Americans
say they never separate their waste.
At the same time, consumers recognize that initiatives from businesses and
broader structural
will be needed if individual efforts are to have a coordinated impact. 44
percent of US respondents agree that supermarkets should not provide any
single-use plastic packaging or plastic bags, and the perception is that
businesses have been slow to respond to such consumer demands. Less than a third
(30 percent) of US respondents could name a company that has changed how it
operated to begin enabling reuse and repair of its products; more and more
examples are emerging — companies including
all have product take-back and repair programs — but perhaps the public has been
slow to catch on or to seek out these enhanced offerings.
Increased consumer engagement with, understanding and support of companies’
sustainability efforts was the impetus behind the creation earlier this year of
SB’s Brands for Good collaboratory — a growing
coalition of consumer-facing brands joining forces to find ways to make
sustainable brands and lifestyles more aspirational to consumers through the
power of advertising and media.
“While it’s clear that awareness of environmental challenges is high, this has
not yet been met with a corresponding level of behavioral change,” said
Jessica Exton, Behavioral Scientist at ING. “While consumers are conscious
of the urgency of the problem at hand; our survey results suggest,
unsurprisingly, that awareness and information doesn’t automatically translate
into changed habits or behaviors. The short- and long-term impacts of
context-dependent choices aren’t easy to calculate, making decision-making on a
day-to-day basis challenging.
“And changes can’t only be behavioral. Sustainability is a macroeconomic and
systemic issue, which comes with broader prioritization, cooperation and
measurement challenges. For the circular economy to work effectively, it is
fundamental that all stakeholders fully participate, demonstrating a collective
action problem. We need coordination of individual efforts to provide assurance
that everyday efforts to repair a bicycle or reuse plastic bags will have their
intended effect.”
* Half of survey respondents were asked this question
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Sustainable Brands Staff
Published Nov 26, 2019 1pm EST / 10am PST / 6pm GMT / 7pm CET