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Collaboration & Co-Creation

The work of organizations joining forces in win-win, pre-competitive ways to bring about massive, impactful shifts away from business as usual

Transformational Collaboration: How Brands Are Helping to Create the US’ First Sustainable Urban Agrihood

In the wake of deindustrialization and economic decline, community initiatives have been crucial for helping Detroit get back on its feet. The Michigan Urban Farming Initiative (MUFI) is a volunteer-based non-profit working to revitalize Detroit’s North End neighborhood by using urban agriculture as a platform to promote education, sustainability and community, thereby empowering communities and addressing deeply rooted social issues.

AkzoNobel Launches Human Cities Coalition to Create Inclusive, Sustainable Cities of the Future

Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals requires extensive cooperation with a long-term vision, which is why AkzoNobel has brought together more than 150 stakeholders and 20 partners, including Arcadis, Philips, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Slumdwellers International to launch the

Fortune 500 Companies Urge Trump Administration to Keep Paris Commitments

Thirteen Fortune 500 companies have come together to urge the White House to make good on its Paris Agreement climate change commitments. The Agreement has been ratified in 143 countries — including the United States — but the Trump administration could pull out before the G7 Summit in Italy in May. “Business leaders recognize the costly impacts of climate change and the opportunities for jobs and growth in a clean technology future,” said Bob Perciasepe, President of C2ES.

How We’re Working with Sustainable Brands to HATCH a Better World

Last year at Sustainable Brands ‘16 San Diego, my Hemmings House colleague, Jon Robertson, and I hosted a workshop about the power of impact film storytelling, and how we as brands can accelerate positive social/environmental change by sharing stories that matter to our stakeholders.

Celebs, Sustainable Business Experts, WWF Unite for Low-Carbon Future Post-Brexit

The activation of Article 50 has left many unanswered questions about the future state of environmental regulations in the UK, the majority of which have their origins in the European Union. The uncertainty has spurred a cast of unlikely characters across the UK to band together and speak out in support of a sustainable future.

Trending: Chemistry Giants Partner to Advance Supply Chain Transparency, Drive Industrial Research

Following the launch of Applied DNA Sciences’s CertainT platform that utilizes molecular tags to certify authenticity and origins of products, AkzoNobel, Advanced Biochemical Thailand Co. and EY have introduced a new online tool that allows businesses, for the first time, to use e-certification to track bio-based content along the chemical value chain.

Toyota, BMW, Daimler Join Forces to Drive Sustainability in the Auto Industry

The auto industry continues to look towards a sustainable future with the development of a new partnership between 10 of the world’s biggest automakers.

McDonough Innovation’s Fashion for Good Is Redefining How We Design, Make, Reuse Fashion

The apparel and textile industries have long struggled with environmental and social impacts and the rise of fast fashion has only aggravated the problem, with its unsustainable business model that is based on an unrealistic trajectory of growth. But with the launch of Fashion for Good, McDonough Innovation is hoping to change all of that.

Garnier, Target Team Up with Detroit Urban Farm to Build Community Assets

The Michigan Urban Farming Initiative (MUFI), an all-volunteer organization revitalizing Detroit’s North End neighborhood through agriculture, will debut a new recreational space and water-harvesting cistern this summer, thanks to grants and material donations from Garnier, TerraCycle and Target Corporation. The announcement coincides with the non-profit’s crowdfunding campaign to help convert a vacant three-story apartment complex into a community resource center.

While Trump OKs Keystone, Europe Puts Wind Energy Hub Plans Into Motion

Reducing CO2 emissions and achieving the climate goals outlined in the Paris Agreement requires, amongst other things, the wide-spread adoption of renewable energy sources. While President Trump is busy pursuing his fossil fuel-heavy agenda, which includes the resurrection of the TransCanada Corp’s Keystone XL pipeline project late last week, Europe continues to pursue a low-carbon future. A new trilateral agreement between transmission system operators (TSOs) TenneT TSO B.V.

Feel the Rising Water Pressure: How Business Must Lead in Conservation

We’re inundated with signals of the severity of the water crisis on a daily basis. Reports detail the extent: a staggering 2.8 billion people already affected by water scarcity. Authorities ban water-intensive activities at home, and stories describe the profound implications of severe water stress for people around the world: waterborne diseases, famine, migration, violence.

#Women4Climate Convenes Powerful Female Leaders Invested in Fighting Climate Change

Today, powerful female leaders from both the private and public sector gathered in New York City to discuss their growing global power to tackle climate change and deliver on the ambitions of the Paris Agreement.

Tarkett, Sustainable Minds Partner to Boost Transparency for the Built Environment

Sustainable flooring and sports surface solutions leader Tarkett is the latest brand to embrace transparency with the launch of a new product catalog that could help drive the use of sustainable building materials towards the mainstream for the construction industry.

What Do Third-Party Certifications Reveal About Your Brand?

In an industry full of certifications for product and brand sustainability, it can be difficult to navigate which ones are right for your organization. While intentions for each certification are good, some processes are more comprehensive than others. The rigorous B Corporation certification standards set by third party B Lab clearly define holistic, impact-focused practices in business.

Toyota, Shell Place Their Bets on Fuel Cells for the Future

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. While electric vehicles have long been identified as a leading solution to reduce emissions and combat climate change, hydrogen fuel cells are still met with significant criticism. The flammability of the element leaves many skeptical about the feasibility of fuel cell vehicles, but for companies such as Toyota and Shell, hydrogen is the future.

Target, GSK, Kaiser Honored for Partnerships Promoting Community Health

Last week, during the inaugural Healthy10 Awards, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation honored 10 partnerships for their efforts to connect businesses and communities promote good health. The Healthy10 Awards concluded the Health Means Business National Summit, an extension of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s Health Means Business campaign and an opportunity for business, government and non-profit leaders to discuss the business community’s role in improving community wellness.

New CDP Initiative Aims to Develop Clear, Credible Carbon Pricing For Investors

CDP, on behalf of the We Mean Business coalition, has convened a panel of utilities and investment leaders from across the G20 under the Carbon Pricing Corridors initiative - the world’s first industry-led initiative aimed at defining the carbon prices needed for the power sector to meet the Paris Agreement.

Ford Teams Up with TfL to Clean Up London’s Air

Ford and Transport for London have announced a new multimillion-pound project designed to help improve air quality in London. The project features a 12-month trial of 20 new plug-in hybrid (PHEV) Transit Custom vans that reduce local emissions by running solely on electric power. The arrival of the new program is well-timed: Just five days into the new year, the City of London surpassed its 2017 air pollution limit, calling major attention to the serious air pollution problems the city currently faces.

APP: With Holistic Forest Management, We Can Halt the Sixth Great Extinction

Human activity is driving rampant loss of flora and fauna around the world, prompting fears that we are in the midst of a sixth great extinction event, with one-third of all species in the wild facing threat of extinction.

Unilever, Google, Nestlé Join Forces to Transform Global Food Systems

Twenty-five leading global companies, including Google, Nestlé, Unilever, PepsiCo, DuPont and Kellogg’s announced during the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland that they were joining together to launch FReSH, the Food Reform for Sustainability and Health program, under the leadership of the World Business Council for Sustainable