Last Chance Rate for SB'24 San Diego Expires Sept 22nd!

Innovation & Technology

The latest products, services, design approaches and business models that are helping organizations of all sizes deliver on their sustainability ambitions and establish a new business as usual

Smart, ‘Living’ Buildings Can Sense, Think and Act to Improve Sustainability

Our buildings have long been unresponsive, mute structures for housing, work and play. But the ongoing Fourth Industrial Revolution’s technological advances — high-speed connectivity, AI, the ability to acquire and analyze vast data streams — have enabled buildings to actively participate in their operations and use resources more efficiently.

A Sustainable Moo-vement: How the Dairy Industry Is Fighting Climate Change

Cross-Posted from Collaboration & Co-Creation. Dairy farming has quickly evolved for sustainability. Here are just a few examples of how innovative dairy organizations and farmers are working to fight climate change by reducing their impacts, improving soil health and using regenerative agriculture.

This Startup Is Determined to Provide ‘Plenty’ of Jobs and Leafy Greens All Year Round

By teaming up with retail leader Walmart, San Francisco-based Plenty is set to supply California (for starters) with healthy, sustainable food at an affordable price, using only 1% of the land needed for traditional farming.

‘Changing Our DNA’: Brands Large and Small Illustrate New Models for Sustainability in Asia

On day two of SB’22 Kuala Lumpur, leaders in construction, eco-tourism, artisanal goods, marketing and more highlighted successes and challenges behind next-generation sustainability strategies — and the need for Malaysian brands to embrace collaboration for greater impact.

To Build Back Better Post-Pandemic, We Must Re-Examine Lessons Learned from the Past

Cross-Posted from Circular Economy. The pandemic has laid bare not only the many flaws in our global systems but also our capacity for resilience and ingenuity in the face of complex, immediate challenges — if we apply that thinking to those that lay ahead, we may yet save ourselves from ‘business as usual.’

Sustainable Food Systems Will Mean Coexistence, Not Competition

The meat sector in its current form is unsustainable; yet so is completely replacing the use of animals as a food technology. For the biggest and fastest environmental impact, we must address the way we grow our food. More sustainable models will involve coexistence between traditional and alternative production methods.

4VI Creates New Model for Destination Marketing Organizations by Becoming a Social Enterprise

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. Earlier this year, Tourism Vancouver Island evolved into a social enterprise called 4VI that supports communities, businesses, culture and environment. A social enterprise is a revenue-generating business that identifies a social benefit and directs its revenues toward it; in the tourism industry, this is a completely new way to operate.

AIA Materials Pledge Enables Architects, Designers to Create Spaces Where People and Natural Systems Thrive

The places where we work, play, eat, sleep, learn and heal can have an impact on our wellbeing. And everything from access to daylight and sound levels in a room to material selection and color schemes affects how we experience a space.

Norwegian Startup Lighting the Way for Sea Change in Renewable Energy Solutions

Sunlit Sea’s prefabricated, floating solar panels optimize longevity, power production and safety, whilst taking a fraction of the time and cost to install.

Digital Verification Solutions for Carbon Markets Could Fast-Track Climate Action

Cross-Posted from Circular Economy. A recent Innovate4Climate workshop focused on technology’s role in improving carbon accounting verification processes. SustainCERT and INFRAS explored how digitization will revolutionize emissions-reductions verification in both voluntary and compliance markets.

Why Innovative Partnerships Are Crucial to a More Sustainable Food Industry

R&D is the engine room of all businesses, not just tech companies — playing an instrumental role in generating the ideas that will transform our food system in a way that can sustain both people and planet.

Groupe Rossignol CEO Offers Measured Hope About the Future of Winter Sports

Cross-Posted from Circular Economy. The leading ski and snowboard maker is a case study in outdoor economy resilience amid several unknowns — including climate change. CEO Vincent Wauters is committed to working with competitors for the greater good.

Mocktail Club Raises the Bar for Sophisticated, Sustainable, Socially Conscious (Non)Spirits

Founder Pauline Idogho and her diverse team of BIPOC women have created a line of globally inspired, ready-to-drink, organic, non-alcoholic cocktails that support environmental sustainability and social health and inclusion around the world.

We All Have An Important Role to Play in Putting People at the Heart of Sustainability

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. Each of the 10 organizations being showcased in this year’s sustain[HUMAN]ability® Leadership Recognition Program is a leader in its own right and offers something from which we can all learn.

BioLite Reflects on 10 Years of Facilitating Clean Energy in the Developing World

CEO & co-founder Jonathan Cedar says the mobile power and lighting company has directed its growth away from outdoor recreation, towards much larger impact.

Ice Cream Giants Innovate to Help Avoid Climate Meltdown

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. Ben & Jerry’s and its parent company, Unilever, have both launched pilots aimed at drastically cutting their GHG emissions — if successful, both are hoping to drive industry-wide change for truly game-changing impacts.

Meet StoreDot: The Startup That Used Neuroscience to Revolutionize EV Batteries

Thanks to a unique, interdisciplinary approach to addressing ‘range anxiety’ due to limited battery life, the Israeli startup has reinvented the EV battery with a breakthrough that could finally leapfrog EVs into the mainstream.

Tesco, WWF Tapping Sustainable Food Startups to Fast-Track Supply Chain Innovations

The Innovation Connections accelerator program aims to fast-track vital food system innovations; Tesco is also calling on the UK government to help accelerate scale-up of late-stage innovations in food supply chains.

Ørsted Trials Turning Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations Into Safe Havens For Corals

The first-of-its-kind ReCoral by Ørsted project aims to implement a non-invasive approach for restoring the health of coral reef ecosystems by growing healthy coral colonies on the foundations of offshore wind turbines.

How Brands Can Help Solve the Macro Problem of Microplastics

The impact of microplastics on our world is daunting; but every step we take to curb the creation of more microplastics, while also reducing how much of them continue lurking in the environment, makes a difference.