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Organizational Governance

How organizations are addressing the 'G' in ESG – striking the balance of maximizing long-term growth and value while safeguarding the interests of all stakeholders

2019: The Year of the Civic CEO

Cross-Posted from Marketing & Communications. New mediums of communication, power and trust produced the Civic CEO, and she is here to stay.

Is Employee Engagement One of Your New Year Resolutions?

An engaged workforce is critical to an organization’s success, no matter what products or services you’re selling.

Building the Next Generation of Sustainable Fashion Leaders

There is a clear opportunity to transition to a more conscious approach to fashion, and up-and-coming designers have great potential to help influence this shift.

3 Top Sustainability Issues in 2019 and How to Address Them

Once seen as a ‘nice to have’ for businesses, sustainability has become a vital component of many global organisations’ social and economic strategies.

2018 Millennial Manifesto Poses Provocative Challenge to Sustainable Brands

To bring companies closer to young people and to enable this proximity to drive enhanced brand innovation capacity — in essence, this is the ambition of the Millennials Lab, created in the Rio 2015 edition of Sustainable Brands, and which is now preparing to scale up, reaching other states in Brazil in 2019.

Why Environmental Changes Are a Growing Public Health Crisis

Three years ago in Paris, Dignity Health was privileged to be among the delegations from around the world that came to consensus on how we needed to urgently curb our carbon emission rates or face irreparable harm. Now, as many of those same representatives meet at COP24 in Poland, disaster after disaster have claimed thousands of lives.

Future Shock: Is Higher Education Ready for the Impact?

Industries, companies and governments are retooling for the future, driven by the sustainability imperatives of climate change; resource, food and water scarcity; social polarization and rising income inequality. Universities and colleges are no exception. The future will be won by organizations that were proactive, not those that defended the status quo. As with other industries, the post-secondary sector is undergoing a transition as it explores its reason for existence. Does it equip students and professionals for future roles? Yes. Does it also equip its administrators to contribute their expertise, resources, assets and investments to contribute to societal outcomes? Slowly, but surely.

Q&A: How Social Design Is Creating New Markets, More Engaged Cultures

This is one of a series of interviews by students and alumni from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD) with practitioners from the Sustainable Brands community, on a variety of ways organizations can, and are, Redesigning the Good Life.

Trending: Closer Looks into Reporting on, Business Benefits of the SDGs

Nearly three-quarters of organisations surveyed (72 percent) mention the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in their annual corporate or sustainability reports — an increase of 10 percent on last year, according to a new study by PwC. But concrete measures and integration remain elusive for many as organisations struggle to identify actions beyond business-as-usual targets.

Atlanta: A Dark Horse in Sustainability Innovation

Atlanta may not be the first city that comes to mind when you think of sustainability — but perhaps, it should be.

Q&A: South Pole on Its Next-Gen Climate Neutrality Certification

With the urgency of reducing our carbon footprint becoming more visible by the day, it’s great to see more and more brands making claims about their carbon reductions.

New Tool Reveals $1.6T Risk of Failing to Account for Natural Capital

Following the release last month of its groundbreaking guide to help financial institutions understand and assess their reliance on natural capital, this week the Natural Capital Finance Alliance (NCFA) launched the world’s first comprehensive tool linking environmental change with its consequences for the economy.

Self-Disrupt to Redesign the Future of Work

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” — R. Buckminster Fuller

Recruit Group: Resolving Society's Negatives with Business Solutions

This post has been translated from Japanese. Read the original interview here.

These 8 Core Values Helped My Business Achieve Long-Term Growth

Much has been said about how to grow a company and sustain that growth over time. From building a sales funnel and forming strategic partnerships to implementing the right IT systems and establishing parameters for how employees interact with each other, with management and customers, there is no shortage of advice.

How Lyft Drives Growth Through Purpose

Brands that position themselves as purpose-driven activists dedicated to using profits to further their mission carve out a competitive advantage amongst today’s conscious consumers. Lyft is an excellent example of a company distinguishing itself by building a brand around values, as well as quality. The rideshare company is the second-largest in the sector, controlling over one-third of US market share, with Uber driving the majority. While there is tough competition, Lyft stands out with its purpose, mission and activism, which recently lead the company to celebrate 1 billion rides.

'Purpose Premium' Found to Create Reputational Gains for Companies

“Purpose” is one of three critical dimensions of overall reputation, according to the 2018 Porter Novelli/Cone Purpose Premium Index: How Companies Can Unlock Reputational Gains by Leading with Purpose, released today.

2 Tools That Can Help Set Your Business Up for True Future-Fitness

Following the analysis of over 6,000 studies, the world’s leading climate scientists at the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) last month released a Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C. The main conclusion from the report was that global warming is likely to reach 1.5°C in just 12 years if current rates of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions continue. To halt warming at 1.5°C and thus avoid the most disastrous impacts of climate change, the IPCC states that anthropogenic GHG emissions must reach net zero by 2050. This is a monumental task and one that will require what the IPCC calls “rapid and far-reaching transitions.”

How MOD Pizza's People-First Culture Drives Growth and Impact

Corporate culture sets the groundwork for how your team interacts with each other and your customers.

When Goals Become Values: The Key to Industrywide Change

Every day, millions of Americans drink, on average, 2.1 cups of coffee; each cup takes about a hundred beans to brew1. Each bean must go through harvesting, wet milling, drying, dry milling, storing, shipping, trucking, roasting, grinding and packaging before it is available for us to pick off a store shelf and bring home to brew. Coffee may be simple to prepare in the home — especially if you have a Keurig machine on your counter — but the work behind such a ubiquitous beverage is incredibly complex and starts, as with most things we love, with people.