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Regulation & Public Policy

The increasingly complex landscape of laws aimed at standardizing corporate sustainability efforts and transparency around those efforts

Brands Walk Their Talk in Support of Women’s Rights

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. Setbacks such as the overturning of Roe v. Wade offer brands the opportunity to demonstrate their true commitment to supporting a healthy, equitable future for all.

Corporate Political Responsibility: The Missing Link in Companies’ ESG Strategies

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. The disconnect between many companies’ public sustainability ambitions and their non-public lobbying efforts can no longer be excused. The Erb Institute’s Corporate Political Responsibility Taskforce is helping companies connect the dots.

Companies Must Follow Climate Science Straight to Capitol Hill

Cross-Posted from Marketing & Communications. Setting climate goals and claiming leadership while supporting laws that would oppose the realization of those goals is not just bad for a company’s reputation and the hiring of young talent — such misalignment also poses a systemic risk that is of increasing concern to investors.

300+ Business Leaders Tell Congress: We Can Build Back Better

Cross-Posted from Collaboration & Co-Creation. Last week’s LEAD on Climate 2020 sent a message to Congress that business leaders have not lost sight of the climate crisis — even as they tackle the COVID-19 crisis. Washington should follow their lead.

Rollback of Dodd-Frank Won’t Stop the Shift Towards Greater Transparency

President Donald Trump issued two executive orders last week geared at scaling back or replacing financial regulations that he deems a burden to commerce and growth. The move signals a big win for Wall Street —whose elite are up for top spots in Trump’s cabinet — and comes at the expense of the working class. It exposes investors and the average American to a less-regulated landscape reminiscent of the pre-financial crisis era — and the risks that go along with it.