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Bill Wilkie

Bill Wilkie is tagged in 8 stories.
If It Involves People (And What Doesn't?), Start with a Powerful Engagement Strategy
If It Involves People (And What Doesn't?), Start with a Powerful Engagement Strategy

Organizational Change / What single success driver do branding, design, innovation, sustainability, public policy, product development, sales, social sector program management and organizational change have in common? The answer is simple: engagement. Whenever we do something for people or involving people, engagement must be at the center. If we leave out engagement we’ll quickly become cut off from the very people whose benefit we are working for, and separated from the people we need to help forward our objectives. Then we’ll be left wondering what went wrong. - 10 years ago

Sustainable People, Part III: Making It Real
Sustainable People, Part III: Making It Real

Organizational Change / Welcome back! Are you ready to leave excellence behind, with all its unsustainable feeders and costs? Ready to make the move to the entirely different and sustainable condition of mastery?You’ve been patient for long enough, so let’s get started. First up: what not to do, followed by the surprise ending where we find the proven path to sustainable mastery.How Not to Attain Sustainable MasteryThe Failed Alternatives - 10 years ago

A Powerful Lever for Mainstreaming Sustainability: Moving from 'Should' to 'Ought'
A Powerful Lever for Mainstreaming Sustainability: Moving from 'Should' to 'Ought'

Behavior Change / In driving engagement and behavior change, the power is often in the subtleties. So here’s a little thought that just might be a big thought: As we work toward mainstreaming sustainability, we should stop talking in terms of should, and instead we ought to start speaking in terms of ought.Here’s what I mean. “Should” makes a demand on us that comes from outside us, and often from above us. Authority figures tell us we “should” clean our room, do our homework, be home by eleven, eat less, move more, live with less, choose wisely and recycle. We feel it pressing upon us as one more thing to add to our list of things to do, or to refrain from doing, to win favor and avoid guilt. - 10 years ago

Sustainable People, Part II: The Costs of Excellence
Sustainable People, Part II: The Costs of Excellence

Organizational Change / In Part I of this series we introduced the Excellence Trap, and diagnosed its drivers and shortcomings. Here in Part II, we’ll take a close look at the costs we incur when we’re in the Excellence Trap, in order to see clearly what unsustainable people and organizations suffer. Then we’ll turn to the solution, introduce mastery and five shifts we must make to become sustainable. And in Part III we’ll discuss the way to get there, as well as the way not to. - 11 years ago

Sustainable People, Part I: The Excellence Trap
Sustainable People, Part I: The Excellence Trap

Organizational Change / The triple bottom line that inspires us is about planet, people and profits. Most of the time, we find ourselves talking about planet and profit, and all their complexities. When we talk about people it is usually about either 1. making sure they have a sustainable planet to enjoy, or 2. working to awaken a concern for planetary sustainability.But what about sustainable people? What about people who are themselves sustainable? What about people who can flourish when challenged, keep delivering over time, bring their best, stay inspired, live and work from integrity, and not burn out? And what about building and sustaining organizations populated by those kind of people? - 11 years ago

Branding for Sustainability: A Manifesto!
Branding for Sustainability: A Manifesto!

Marketing and Comms / I wrote recently about branding for sustainability, rather than the branding of sustainability. The main point is that branding is no longer merely about communication techniques that get tacked on to a business. Instead, branding shapes the entire landscape of engagement, experience and affinity between a company or other entity and its customers and other stakeholders or audiences. So it’s time for a manifesto. - 11 years ago

Playing the Big Game: Are We Branding for Sustainability?
Playing the Big Game: Are We Branding for Sustainability?

Marketing and Comms / When it comes to sustainable brands, we can play the big game or the small game. What I call “Branding of Sustainability” is the small game. It simply means applying old-school brand action, such as advertising and other marketing communications, even leading-edge techniques, to brands that are already sustainable. But “Branding for Sustainability” is the big game. It is about applying new-school brand thinking to the entire world of the brand, starting with discovering and defining brand-specific paths to sustainability itself. Much like its close relative, design thinking, brand thinking starts at the cradle and brings stakeholders and end users to the table, making everyone an insider to a degree, not merely guests at the party at the end. - 11 years ago

Browbeating Is Bad and Charming Isn’t Enough: Sustainability Stories Should Be All About Stakeholders
Browbeating Is Bad and Charming Isn’t Enough: Sustainability Stories Should Be All About Stakeholders

Marketing and Comms / These days, many conversations about the status of sustainability in business and society seem to fall into two categories. These can be summarized as 1. It’s mainstreaming, and 2. It’s not mainstreaming, or it’s not mainstreaming enough, or as quickly or as deeply as we would like. - 11 years ago