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Cecilia Wandiga

Cecilia Wandiga is tagged in 5 stories.
How to Solve the True Cost of 'Cheap'
How to Solve the True Cost of 'Cheap'

Product, Service & Design Innovation / Almost exactly 2 years ago I wrote about The True Cost of ‘Cheap.’ Last week a request came for more information: could you talk more about this issue and possible solutions? Two years ago I focused on Total Cost of Quality issues and advocated we begin to include social cost in our Cost of Quality measures. The basic premise is actually a Six Sigma principle — if you can't shift the mean, shift the goal. - 8 years ago

Umicore: How Sustainability-Driven Innovation Transformed a Failing Mining Company Into a Materials Tech Power Player
Umicore: How Sustainability-Driven Innovation Transformed a Failing Mining Company Into a Materials Tech Power Player

Product, Service & Design Innovation / Umicore’s ranking as #1 on the 2013 Global 100 index of most sustainable companies was met with healthy skepticism by social justice advocates and environmental purists. The company’s history as Union Minière du Haut Katanga created devastation that Umicore will need to continue to remedy at a hefty price tag. - 10 years ago

Rethinking the Obvious: Lean and Sustainability
Rethinking the Obvious: Lean and Sustainability

Waste Not / For those not already familiar with the term, "Lean" is a concept that started in manufacturing but is broadly applicable. It refers to a continuous improvement focus on waste reduction. Most notably, Toyota used Lean to attain world-class manufacturing status but the concept is an amalgamation of many schools of thought. For details, see an overview of lean manufacturing. - 10 years ago

Defining Sustainability: A Process and Strategy Focus
Defining Sustainability: A Process and Strategy Focus

Marketing and Comms / Currently, sustainability is a lot like beauty — its definition lies in the eyes of the beholder. This author’s preference is for actionable definitions that can be integrated into daily operational processes. The following is an attempt to define sustainability through this lens. - 10 years ago

The True Cost of 'Cheap'
The True Cost of 'Cheap'

New Metrics / All businesses stay alive by being price competitive. After all, if there are no customers to pay for your product, you can’t make sales and without sales there are no revenues. In an ideal world, a business sets its pricing based on the costs it incurs to produce but other businesses compete by offering different pricing (some do choose strategies based on servicing or other value-added activities). - 10 years ago