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Katie Secrist

ESG Reporting and Disclosure

Katie Secrist is Point B’s practice leader for ESG Reporting and Disclosure — helping clients navigate regulatory changes, investor- and value chain-related ESG trends, and translation into strategic programming to improve both impact and brand image. She has supported multi-year corporate-wide initiatives to upscale reporting transparency and ESG scoring, grow disclosure capabilities and efficiencies, and improve an organization’s ability to effectively respond to a rapidly changing ESG environment. Over 8 years she has advised companies in the consumer & retail sector, manufacturing, transport and healthcare industries on ESG topics. In her role at Point B, she develops genuine customer and partner relationships, manages strategic client accounts, and guides the direction of Point B's ESG Reporting & Disclosure solutions to bring the most value to her clients.

Katie Secrist is tagged in 1 stories.
Preparing for the CSRD’s Impact on US Companies
Preparing for the CSRD’s Impact on US Companies

Regulation & Public Policy / Like many recent rulings coming out of the EU, the CSRD is designed to drive the rest of the global economy — including around 3,000 US companies — towards meaningful action and ESG disclosure. - 9 months ago