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Marc Stoiber

Marc Stoiber is tagged in 11 stories.
Marketing for Good: Breaking Down the Barrier to New
Marketing for Good: Breaking Down the Barrier to New

Marketing and Comms / I had a fascinating conversation this morning with Guy Dauncey, a futurist and big brain in the sustainability field. Guy is writing his latest book, a novel that projects us into the Vancouver of 2040. His vision isn’t apocalyptic — it describes how we as a civilization finally came around to embrace ‘new,’ and turn it into post-fossil-fuel prosperity. Inspiring stuff, especially when the vision is supported by the science Dauncey painstakingly assembles. - 9 years ago

To Build a Futureproof Brand, Build Your Global Expert Network
To Build a Futureproof Brand, Build Your Global Expert Network

Leadership / A few years ago, my ad agency was acquired by Maddock Douglas, an innovation agency based in Chicago. For a year, I worked with the team at MD, honing a green innovation process for their clients.I learned a number of incredibly useful things from my friends at MD, but one has served me particularly well in the business of building futureproof brands: the power of a global expert network.A global expert network is, as the name implies, a network of smart, specialized idea people you can call upon to guide your thinking. In my case, they’re C-suite level, generally entrepreneurial, with strong brand experience. - 10 years ago

Getting Over the Sustainability Innovation Hump
Getting Over the Sustainability Innovation Hump

Collaboration / I just read an interesting Deloitte study linking sustainability with innovation inside corporations. According to the study, companies engaged in sustainability innovate more than their competitors. At the risk of sounding cheeky, I don’t find this hard to imagine. Companies that recognize the importance of sustainability tend to be those pushing for new ideas. And applying the sustainability filter to innovation efforts sparks new patterns of thinking — and fresh ideas. - 10 years ago

McDonough Espouses the Power of Principled Innovation
McDonough Espouses the Power of Principled Innovation

Products and Design / Innovation is a hot topic. You hear daily about its democratization, globalization and acceleration. But in all the breathless wonder at our speed of progress, one question seldom gets asked: is every innovation good for us? This is where the concept of principled innovation comes in. - 10 years ago

Is Your Corporation Missing Its Compass?
Is Your Corporation Missing Its Compass?

Marketing and Comms / I was sitting with a team of entrepreneurs yesterday. Together, we're launching a new retail concept (look for updates here — we open in January!).The conversation was all about naming. We'd landed on two great names, which one of the team had put through an online poll. The names polled well — but not as well as a rather predictable moniker that had been included at the last minute. As you might imagine, the mundane-name-that-people-loved threw a wrench into the works. - 10 years ago

The Big Yearning Question
The Big Yearning Question

Marketing and Comms / I believe futureproof brands are built on a foundation of two fundamentals: the brand’s reason for existence and the consumer’s yearning.These concepts may sound a bit esoteric, so allow me to explain. - 10 years ago

The Next Wave of Healthcare Innovation: Healthy Aging?
The Next Wave of Healthcare Innovation: Healthy Aging?

If you want to find hotbeds of innovation, just look where there’s tension and instability.Healthcare is a great example. On one hand, chronic conditions are spiraling out of control at the same dizzying rate as healthcare costs. On the other hand, there’s an unprecedented interest among citizens in taking control of their own health, working to stay well instead of waiting to get sick. - 11 years ago

Lego Thinking: Key to Futureproofing Your Brand?
Lego Thinking: Key to Futureproofing Your Brand?

Product, Service & Design Innovation / Key to futureproofing is creating a brand that fulfills your customers' higher order needs — things such as meaning, authenticity, self-fulfillment and all those other wonderful aspirations at the top of Maslow’s pyramid.But what if your consumer finds him- or herself in flux, discovering a purchase that felt meaningful a short time ago suddenly seems, well, less so today? How can you keep up with this sort of rapidly evolving ‘higher order’ demand?With Lego thinking. - 11 years ago

1) Stand Out. 2) Blend In. 3) Build Sustainable Brand.
1) Stand Out. 2) Blend In. 3) Build Sustainable Brand.

Organizational Change / People like to stand out. People like to blend in. Once you understand that oxymoron, you’ll be in a much better position to build a sustainable brand. - 11 years ago

What Your Sustainable Brand Can Learn From the Lord of the Rings
What Your Sustainable Brand Can Learn From the Lord of the Rings

Organizational Change / “One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.”JRR Tolkien, The Lord of the RingsSustainability isn’t simple. And when it comes to uniting a group of people behind a green initiative, things tend to get messy. - 11 years ago

Creating A Green Innovation Ripple
Creating A Green Innovation Ripple

Green innovation is a hot topic in the US. Ideologues for the status quo (many of them in Congress) believe it will cost industry money, and leave us lagging behind foreign competitors who don’t have to jump through eco-hoops. - 12 years ago