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Steven Cristol

Steven Cristol is founder and managing partner of Strategic Harmony® Partners and an Advisor in DBI Network, a global management consultancy.

He has counseled some of the world’s most innovative companies on brand strategy and product strategy, and his business books for Free Press and McGraw‐Hill have been published in 11 languages. He holds a patent for the first decision model and process for optimizing product development choices to create value and align product strategy with brand strategy. His current work includes advancing integration of sustainability into product development portfolio management. Steven can be reached at [email protected].

Steven Cristol is tagged in 4 stories.
Committing to the Sustainability Journey: How Do You Know When Your Company Is ‘Ready?’
Committing to the Sustainability Journey: How Do You Know When Your Company Is ‘Ready?’

Organizational Governance / Deciding if you’re ready is a lot like deciding if you’re happy. “Ready” doesn’t mean totally or even confidently prepared. Here’s a starter checklist to help you know when your company is ready — and any one of these can be enough of a spark to light a fire. - 5 years ago

What Archimedes Can Teach Us About Sustainable Innovation
What Archimedes Can Teach Us About Sustainable Innovation

Innovation & Technology / If we could transport ourselves to Sicily about 2,250 years ago, we might get there just in time to hear Archimedes famously say, “Give me a lever long enough and a place to stand, and I shall move the world.” He couldn’t have imagined, almost 23 centuries down the road, how urgently we would need to pull every lever available to save the health of that world and its inhabitants. - 7 years ago

The Internet of Things: Net Positive or Negative for Sustainability?
The Internet of Things: Net Positive or Negative for Sustainability?

Innovation & Technology / Despite the hype surrounding the Internet of Things (IoT), its promise of enabling smart connected products, new business models, and delivering better customer experiences is undeniable. Combining physical products with sensors, software, storage, and connectivity will also enable exponentially more “products as a service.” Besides providing unprecedented opportunities for transforming brands’ relationships with customers, it’s also a promising portal to a more sustainable world – reducing waste, emissions and natural capital dependencies. Implicit is the hopeful and exciting potential for improving environmental and, in some cases, social footprints of both consumer and industrial products. - 8 years ago

Optimizing Your Sustainability Roadmap: Lessons from Product Development Portfolio Management
Optimizing Your Sustainability Roadmap: Lessons from  Product Development Portfolio Management

Innovation & Technology / As sustainability management becomes ever more closely linked to company resilience and reputation, CSR goals are coming into sharper focus for companies that are truly on the journey. But there are many choices to be made among a broad range of sustainability initiatives that could achieve those goals; just as in the world of product development, where there is an unlimited number of possible new product ideas and features, there will always be too many ideas and not enough resources. So how do you prioritize your company’s sustainability initiatives for maximum value and impact? - 9 years ago