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Dow Challenging People to Become Better Recyclers

Dow Packaging & Specialty Plastics has launched a campaign called Recycle Rally — A 30-Day Recycling Challenge, to inspire people to cultivate daily recycling behaviors.

Dow Packaging & Specialty Plastics has launched a campaign called Recycle Rally — A 30-Day Recycling Challenge, to inspire people to cultivate daily recycling behaviors.

The latest in a spate of recent initiatives by brands, nonprofits, cities and other organizations designed to creatively coax people to just recycle, already — the interactive campaign is based on the idea that it takes people 30 days to form a habit, and challenges users to make recycling part of their everyday routine, while offering information, tools and tips to help people become better recyclers.

Although Americans are familiar with recycling, they may not be as knowledgeable about how recycling reduces the amount of waste that is sent to landfills, or the fact that most people are not in the habit of recycling — whether they intend to or not. In 2012, Americans generated 251 million tons of trash, but only recycled 34.5 percent of their waste. Dow views this campaign as a great opportunity to increase awareness about how recycling efforts can positively impact communities around the country.

“We see this as an excellent opportunity to not only increase recycling awareness, but to help build long-lasting habits that benefit the environment we all share,” said Diego Donoso, business president of Dow Packaging and Specialty Plastics.

Dow says Recycle Rally is a great tool for all people — regardless of recycling expertise — to use and “step up” their recycling game. The tool can help individuals, families and communities elevate the way they view recycling and take ownership of their environmental impact — no step is too small.

Once users enter the interactive site and commit to the challenge, they can take a quiz to determine what level recycler they — beginner, professional or expert. Based on the results, their recycler profile will provide access to a wealth of tips, recycling statistics and fun facts tailored to their needs.

Participants can document their progress throughout the 30 days, which Dow says is a great way to stay motivated and also encourage others to make and stick with recycling commitments of their own. The company also encourages challengers to join the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #RecycleRally on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, and see how others are also decreasing their impact on landfills.

Dow says the campaign will run through September but that users are encouraged to take the 30-day challenge at their own pace — the focus is on challenging people to commit to 30 days in the hopes that if they can recycle for 30 days, it will lead to a life-long habit.

The company says it will consider the initiative a success if at least 50 percent of visitors to the site make the commitment to recycle.