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From carbon credits to contribution claims

The market for voluntary climate action by companies and organisations is currently undergoing a transformation. Where the focus might previously have been on achieving carbon neutrality, companies and organisations are now looking for alternatives. The concept of contribution claims offers a solution to supplement emissions reduction. ClimatePartner Impact, a wholly owned subsidiary of ClimatePartner, has now firmly integrated these new solutions into its range of services and has published a whitepaper on the topic. It illustrates the importance of contribution claims for global climate action.

Tailor-made financial climate commitments Until now, companies and organisations have primarily offset their unabated emissions from their business by purchasing Verified Emission Reductions (VERs). Making a contribution claim instead enables companies and organisations to contribute to the overall reduction of global emissions, beyond their own value chains. They can further support countries of the Global South in achieving their emissions reduction targets as well as contribute to sustainable development.

Depending on the strategic objectives of the company, ClimatePartner Impact defines different approaches: “ton-for-ton", “money-for-ton", and “money-for-money". Contribution claims therefore do not have to be directly linked to the carbon footprint of the contributing organisation. In the whitepaper, ClimatePartner Impact’s climate action experts present a detailed comparison of the three models and their advantages and disadvantages, thus actively shaping current market developments.

Read full story here.