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The Regenerative Business Prize:
Search Is On for Company That Exemplifies Principles of Regeneration

The Regenerative Business Alliance — a subsidiary of the Carol Sanford Institute (CSI) — has launched the search for its 1st annual Regenerative Business Prizewinner. This prize will recognize a business that is taking on practices of enlightened disruption, drawing on the regenerative principles of living systems.

The Regenerative Business Alliance — a subsidiary of the Carol Sanford Institute (CSI) — has launched the search for its 1st annual Regenerative Business Prizewinner. This prize will recognize a business that is taking on practices of enlightened disruption, drawing on the regenerative principles of living systems.

CSI has worked with Fortune 500 executives and “rock star entrepreneurs” for four decades, across 32 industries and on all livable continents, in the field of regenerative business education. Regeneration is about working with wholes, not parts; potential, not problems; singularity, not commonality; reciprocity, not competition; essentiality, not simplicity; and development of humans, rather than manipulation.

Companies eligible for the inaugural Regenerative Business Prize will fall into one of what the Alliance has deemed six essential, value-adding business streams — three that serve our material world life, and three that enliven and add spirit to life:

Material Value-Adding Business Streams

  • Fooding – Businesses that nourish life, e.g. agriculture, restaurants, food service, food innovation, nutrition.
  • Sheltering – Businesses that enable transitions across space and time, e.g. planners, designers, builders, ecologists, forest products, remediation, restoration, hotels, workspaces.
  • Transacting – Businesses that enable boundary crossing through systemizing partnering and exchanges, e.g. investing, energy, crowdsourcing.

Spirit-Lifting Value-Adding Business Streams

  • Adorning – Businesses that signify belonging and identity, e.g. art, jewelry, decorating, body as art, cosmetics, garden design, matchmaking
  • Recreating – Businesses that promote wellness and reconnection to personal meaning, e.g. health, yoga, eco-tourism.
  • Communing – Businesses that connect and harmonize humans and evoke spirit, e.g. sacred ecology experiences, spiritual tourism, regenerative schools.

To be nominated for the Prize, a business must:

  • Show evidence toward at least four of the seven First Principles of Regeneration;
  • Have a for-profit business in one of the six Value-Adding Business Streams and 3 years revenue positive;
  • Be willing to be interviewed and their story offered in diverse media;
  • Be willing to be in the annual Regenerative Business Report 2016.

Preserving rice for generations to come through regenerative water-use practices

Hear how Mars and its Ben's Original brand are working with Delta Harvest to greatly reduce water use in rice cultivation while improving crop yields, at the SB Regenerative Ag Summit — Thursday, Oct. 17, at SB'24 San Diego.

A distinguished panel of judges will select the prizewinner:

  • Jeffrey Hollender: Founder of Seventh Generation, B Lab, and Sustain Natural;
  • Dr. Sarah Slaughter: CEO of Built Environment Coalition, Co-Founder of MIT Sustainability Initiative, founder of MOCA Systems;
  • Pamela Mang: Founder of Regenesis Group, author of Regenerative Development and Design;
  • Pam Hinds: Professor at Stanford University, Department of Engineering and Managing Science;
  • John Fullerton: Founder of the Capital Institute, 100% Investment Club;
  • KoAnn Skrzyniarz: Founder/CEO of Sustainable Brands;
  • Lauren Yarmuth: Portfolio Director of Design for Change Studio at IDEO;
  • Manoj Fenelon: Faculty, Pratt Institute and School of Visual Arts’ Design for Social Innovation Program, former Director of Innovation at PepsiCo.

The prizewinner will be announced on October 18th at an awards dinner in Seattle. The dinner will open the 1st Annual Regenerative Business Summit, an invitation-only event for business leaders and owners working to advance a field or set of industries by innovative enlightened disruption, through regenerative philosophy and practice.

Nominate your own business or a business you admire by July 30, 2016. More information, including nomination criteria, at

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