As society emerges from the global pandemic, everything is changed. Among the
changes that trade, industry and professional associations are grappling with
are the new realities for themselves and their members. As we hurtle through the
21st century, the sectors and professions that built our global economy are
encountering a chasm, requiring a leap of faith into the future. Global social
and environmental tectonic forces are reshaping the risks and opportunities
industries and professions face as the associations that represent them steward
the success of their organizations and members. To foster sector and
professional resilience and relevance for the turbulent times ahead,
associations representing professionals and organizations must re-tool their
— or face irrelevance and potential demise.
Leading associations understand this and update their value propositions for the
new reality. The future suggests that successful sectors and professions will
rethink their inward-looking mandates to embrace a stronger role in creating
value for not only their members, but for society and their stakeholders. While
the primary task of associations will remain to serve their members —
increasingly, serving their members will come to be redefined as “serving
This research
and its companion
shed light on this pivot. It sets out to answer the question:
“What role can associations play to help their members accelerate a just and sustainable future?”
Commissioned by the Canadian government, the report uncovers the following
opportunities for associations:
Opportunities for all: Associations of any size and type have many
opportunities to engage members on sustainable practices to help them manage
risks and seize opportunities for the future.
Visionary benchmark: Associations can benchmark themselves along a
continuum – from basic to strategic to visionary and finally to social
purpose – to determine where they want to go and how to address gaps.
Strategic input: The actions contained in this report can help inform an
association’s strategic plan and identity.
Overcoming barriers: The main barriers of limited resources and budget,
and of member interest and capacity, can be overcome.
Business case exists: There is a strong business case for advancing
member social and environmental performance — including managing risk,
building resilience, enhancing public trust, fostering innovation,
addressing stakeholder expectations, growing the sector/profession and
showcasing leadership.
Roadmap exists: Sustainability practices can be laid out along a
continuum of timing, effort and impact, to help associations identify gaps
and opportunities and develop a roadmap for moving forward.
Societal purpose: An “Association ESG Strategy Roadmap” reveals an
opportunity for associations to rethink their core purpose beyond serving
members to include serving
— in which they help their sectors and professions uncover their societal
reason for existence and clarify the greater good they can contribute to
advance society on a sustainable path.
As for you, find out the associations where your organization and colleagues
have paid memberships. Find out if anyone from your organization is on the
board. Share this research with these associations and recommend they address
the insights in their upcoming strategic planning process. There is no excuse
for inaction. The science is clear, the roadmap and business case exist, and
barriers can be overcome. Every year that associations delay is a year their
profession and sector fall further behind — putting themselves, their
memberships and society at risk.
Do what you can to encourage associations and their members to review these
findings and engage boards and memberships on the questions it contains. In so
doing, the sectors, industries and professions that make the economy tick will
be put on a more viable path for one and all.
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Published Jun 21, 2021 11am EDT / 8am PDT / 4pm BST / 5pm CEST