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West Basin and Mattel Collaborate to Save Up To Two Million Gallons of Drinking Water Per Year

Mattel, Inc. and West Basin Municipal Water District (West Basin) today announced the completion of a joint project to enable the exclusive use of recycled water for irrigation purposes at Mattel’s El Segundo corporate campus. By using West Basin’s locally- produced recycled water for irrigation, Mattel and West Basin are helping to save nearly two million gallons of drinking water per year.

Mattel, Inc. and West Basin Municipal Water District (West Basin) today announced the completion of a joint project to enable the exclusive use of recycled water for irrigation purposes at Mattel’s El Segundo corporate campus. By using West Basin’s locally- produced recycled water for irrigation, Mattel and West Basin are helping to save nearly two million gallons of drinking water per year.

<p. a="" address="" and="" appreciate="" are="" area.="" as="" basin="" both="" challenges="" commitment="" conditions="" customer="" demand="" director="" division="" drought="" efforts="" el="" expand="" future="" great="" help="" houston="" iv="" mattel="" new="" of="" on="" our="" part="" pleased="" potable="" program="" projects="" provide="" recycled="" recycling="" reduce="" region.="" represents="" said="" scott="" segundo="" such="" sustainability="" the="" their="" this="" to="" together="" value="" water="" we="" welcome="" west="" who="" work="">Expanding recycled water use is a key component of West Basin’s Water Reliability Program to help reduce the region’s dependence on imported water by developing drought-proof local water supplies. This program also includes expanding water conservation and exploring ocean water desalination as a potential future water supply. “We are thrilled to work with West Basin to help offset the ongoing water shortage in California,” said Frank Maranto, Mattel’s vice president of global security and facilities. “Mattel has always been committed to doing its part to conserve precious natural resources, and to giving back to the communities where we work and live. Converting our irrigation systems to use reclaimed water helps us advance both of these goals.”

Mattel joins a diverse group of West Basin’s recycled water users which include over 200 municipal, commercial and industrial customers throughout its 185-square mile service area, and adjacent areas such as Torrance and Los Angeles. West Basin has a state-of-the-art water recycling facility nearby the Mattel campus in El Segundo where it produces nearly 40 million gallons of recycled water a day, for a total of 175 billion gallons of recycled water produced since 1995.

West Basin’s Edward C. Little Water Recycling Facility is the only facility in the world that produces five “designer” waters to meet various needs, and continues to expand production to meet the region’s water demands now and in the future.

This project is one of eight local projects financed by Prop 84, administered by the Department of Water Resources, with additional funding coming from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. For more information about West Basin and its Water Reliability Program including the expansion of water recycling efforts, please visit
