
Apple is constantly inventing more efficient ways to recycle materials back into our devices. We’re also replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy. And we’re going further to reduce our impact by using substances that are safe for people and the environment.
Apple Improves Transparency with Release of Supplier List, But Difficulties Remain
Apple released a list of its global suppliers for the first time last week, drawing both praise and criticism from industry watchdogs who have been urging the company to increase transparency in regards to its supply chain. ... View More
New World of Internet Domain Names Has Implications for Corporate Brands, Environmental Groups
Major brands now have the option to operate their own corners of the World Wide Web, a development that is expected to foster greater competition and innovation online, while allowing organizations to strengthen ties with customers and other stakehol... View More
Book Review - Greener Products: The Making and Marketing of Sustainable Brands
Creating a sustainable society will depend in large part on reducing the environmental impacts of making, distributing and using products and of disposing of them at the end of their useful life. Every product company that hopes to have a role in ou... View More
First Solar-Powered E-Reader Case Wins Innovation Award
Owners of Kindle e-readers now have the option to power their devices in a sunny window. ... View More
Apple Patent Suggests Fuel Cells Could Power Tomorrow’s iPhones and MacBooks
Apple recently filed two patent applications for fuel cell technology that could be used to extend the battery life of portable devices and reduce the demands of portable electronics on grid-supplied power. ... View More