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bext360 is tagged in 3 stories.
Trending: New Spins on Wood, Hemp, Coconut Recognized as Winning Natural Fibers
Trending: New Spins on Wood, Hemp, Coconut Recognized as Winning Natural Fibers

6 years ago - A process that turns wood pulp into yarn and a vegan wool alternative made from hemp and coconut fibers have respectively earned a spot in Fashion for Good’s Scaling Programme and a prize in the 2018 Biodesign Challenge.

Can Blockchain Really Answer All of Our Transparency Challenges?
Can Blockchain Really Answer All of Our Transparency Challenges?

6 years ago - For some, blockchain is the disruptive technology that promises to solve transparency problems by creating one version of the truth; for others, it is all hype with no great real-world application other than cryptocurrency. I attended an SB’18 Vancouver workshop on “How Blockchain Technology Can Power Superior Supply Chain Innovation and Understanding” to move closer to understanding blockchain and its applications.

Blockchain Will Revolutionize Marketing — Are You Prepared?
Blockchain Will Revolutionize Marketing — Are You Prepared?

6 years ago - "We want to create "radical impact", as we like to call it: create access to better quality coffee than the one sold by the leading multinationals and make sure that the people growing our coffee make a better living by bringing value-adding activities back to their countries. But how do we measure and show what we actually do with Moyee?” said Guido van Staveren van Dijk, CEO of Moyee Coffee, describing one of the key challenges his company is facing.