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Blue Marble Microinsurance

Blue Marble Microinsurance

Blue Marble Microinsurance is tagged in 2 stories.
Toward Resilient Coffee Farming: Nestlé Offers Farmers Weather Insurance, Contributes to Regenerative-Ag Guidebook
Toward Resilient Coffee Farming: Nestlé Offers Farmers Weather Insurance, Contributes to Regenerative-Ag Guidebook

1 year ago - Nestlé is piloting a weather-insurance program for over 800 smallholder farmers in Indonesia and has contributed to a guide for coffee farmers to shift to regenerative practices.

Nespresso Pilots Weather Index Insurance Program for Colombian Smallholder Coffee Farmers
Nespresso Pilots Weather Index Insurance Program for Colombian Smallholder Coffee Farmers

6 years ago - Nespresso has partnered with Blue Marble Microinsurance — a startup with the mission of providing socially impactful, commercially viable insurance protection to the underserved and incorporated by nine insurance entities — to launch a pilot weather index insurance program for smallholder coffee farmers in Colombia.