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Deliveroo is tagged in 2 stories.
Trending: Single-Use Plastics Continue to be Tossed – By Brands, Nations Imposing Bans
Trending: Single-Use Plastics Continue to be Tossed – By Brands, Nations Imposing Bans

6 years ago - It’s a tough time to be a plastic straw producer. Over the past few months, it seems the message has broken through that plastic straws are harmful to the environment – and marine life in particular – that phase outs and bans are warranted.

Trending: Food Industry Says Sayonara to Single-Use Plastics
Trending: Food Industry Says Sayonara to Single-Use Plastics

6 years ago - The war against single-use plastics rages on as even more brands rise to the challenge of creating a plastic-free future. Online food delivery companies Just Eat and Deliveroo are the latest businesses to hop aboard the sustainable packaging bandwagon.