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Global Canopy

Global Canopy is tagged in 3 stories.
Major Companies, Investors Still Blind to Their Role in Deforestation
Major Companies, Investors Still Blind to Their Role in Deforestation

4 months ago - Global Canopy’s 10th annual Forest 500 report reveals that, despite some pockets of progress, voluntary private sector action has failed to generate meaningful progress on commodity-driven deforestation.

Pension Funds Committed to Net Zero Are Still Not Seeing the Forest for the Trees
Pension Funds Committed to Net Zero Are Still Not Seeing the Forest for the Trees

1 year ago - According to Global Canopy and Make My Money Matter, the majority of pension providers in major climate coalitions do not have credible policies or commitments to tackle deforestation.

Sourcing Soy: The Role of the Private Sector in the Fate of the Brazilian Cerrado
Sourcing Soy: The Role of the Private Sector in the Fate of the Brazilian Cerrado

6 years ago - The Brazilian Cerrado — the world’s most biodiverse savannah — is being deforested at an alarming rate. Over 40 percent of the original landscape has already been cleared, largely for the cultivation of soy for animal feed. As major agribusiness companies continue to convert land into soy pastures, what role do these companies — and the businesses around the world who buy from them — play in avoiding further damage to this important ecosystem?