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Mighty Earth

Mighty Earth

Mighty Earth is tagged in 8 stories.
5th Annual Chocolate Scorecard Paints Bittersweet Picture of the Industry
5th Annual Chocolate Scorecard Paints Bittersweet Picture of the Industry

5 months ago - The Scorecard — which evaluates global chocolate manufacturers, brands and retailers on social and environmental criteria in seven areas — helps consumers make ethical purchasing decisions and incentivizes companies to improve their performance in these areas.

It’s Time for Brands to Embrace One of the Most Exciting Climate-Mitigation Tools We Have
It’s Time for Brands to Embrace One of the Most Exciting Climate-Mitigation Tools We Have

1 year ago - There is a clear business case to invest in protecting and restoring nature — and rewilding can play a major role.

Bittersweet: New Developments in the Ongoing Quest for Sustainable Chocolate
Bittersweet: New Developments in the Ongoing Quest for Sustainable Chocolate

1 year ago - While the 4th edition of the Chocolate Scorecard examines over 70 chocolate companies on their social and environmental performance, WNWN Food Labs’ ‘Wegg’ offers a look at a truly sustainable alternative.

European Retail Giants Drop Brazilian Beef Over Deforestation Linked to Meat Giant JBS
European Retail Giants Drop Brazilian Beef Over Deforestation Linked to Meat Giant JBS

2 years ago - The move comes following an investigation by Repórter Brasil and Mighty Earth that tracked deforestation-linked beef to European retail store shelves. JBS, the world’s largest beef producer, has long been on the radar of environmental NGOs and forward-looking investors due to its destructive practices.

Did Lack of Transparency Invalidate Asia’s First Corporate Sustainability Bond?
Did Lack of Transparency Invalidate Asia’s First Corporate Sustainability Bond?

3 years ago - The devil's in the details: Allegations of deforestation in Michelin’s natural rubber supply chain highlight the need for greater transparency in ‘green’ financing.

Candy Giants Rated on Commitments to Create Better Chocolate
Candy Giants Rated on Commitments to Create Better Chocolate

4 years ago - International advocacy groups publish joint consumer purchasing guide to more ethical chocolate choices, just in time for Easter.

New Platform to Help Rubber Industry Address Environmental Damage
New Platform to Help Rubber Industry Address Environmental Damage

5 years ago - Rubber plantations are a growing driver of deforestation worldwide, particularly in Southeast Asia and Western Africa. Mighty Earth joins Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber as founding member.

New Report, WRI Platform and … Wu-Tang Clan Make Case for Plant-Based Diets
New Report, WRI Platform and … Wu-Tang Clan Make Case for Plant-Based Diets

5 years ago - Meat-heavy diets have been under increased scrutiny of late, spawning a host of research and campaigns linking them to the accelerating impacts of climate change around the world. Now, a new report from the Changing Markets Foundation, Mighty Earth and Compassion in World Farming points the finger at governments, which they say are failing to tackle meat over-consumption to meet climate targets.