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WRI is tagged in 81 stories. Page 2 of 5.
10 Breakthrough Technologies That Can Help Feed the World Without Destroying It
10 Breakthrough Technologies That Can Help Feed the World Without Destroying It

5 years ago - How can the world feed nearly 10 billion people by 2050 while also advancing economic development, protecting and restoring forests, and stabilizing the climate?

Business for Nature: Our Economy, Wellbeing Depend on Restoring Biodiversity
Business for Nature: Our Economy, Wellbeing Depend on Restoring Biodiversity

5 years ago - Today, at the Trondheim Biodiversity Conference in Norway, a diverse group of influential international organizations launched a global coalition to elevate a business call for comprehensive action to reverse nature loss and restore the planet’s vital natural systems.

How Brands Are Influencing Better Behaviors, Legislation, Supply Chains
How Brands Are Influencing Better Behaviors, Legislation, Supply Chains

5 years ago - On the fourth and final day of SB’19 Detroit, a host of brands shared lessons learned from efforts to engage stakeholders on a variety of topics — from more sustainable food choices and healthier masculinity to much-needed changes in policy.

The New Protein Aisle: So We Don't Eat Ourselves Out of House and Home
The New Protein Aisle: So We Don't Eat Ourselves Out of House and Home

5 years ago - As the veggie diet revolution continues to gain ground, we look at plant-based doppelgangers of two of our most beloved animal-based foods — beef and tuna — and why they could be key ingredients in our efforts to save the planet from ourselves.

Champions 12.3: Restaurants Realize 7:1 ROI by Reducing Food Waste
Champions 12.3: Restaurants Realize 7:1 ROI by Reducing Food Waste

5 years ago - New research finds rather compelling business case for restaurants to reduce the amount of food they throw away.

Q&A: How a ‘Cuban’ Name Change Boosted Panera’s Soup Sales
Q&A: How a ‘Cuban’ Name Change Boosted Panera’s Soup Sales

5 years ago - WRI’s Better Buying Lab works with food companies to research and test science-based approaches that encourage consumers to choose more sustainable, plant-based foods.

How Businesses Are Stepping Up to Reforest California
How Businesses Are Stepping Up to Reforest California

5 years ago - California is still reeling from the series of devastating wildfires that gutted its landscape — again — in the past few months.

New Report, WRI Platform and … Wu-Tang Clan Make Case for Plant-Based Diets
New Report, WRI Platform and … Wu-Tang Clan Make Case for Plant-Based Diets

5 years ago - Meat-heavy diets have been under increased scrutiny of late, spawning a host of research and campaigns linking them to the accelerating impacts of climate change around the world. Now, a new report from the Changing Markets Foundation, Mighty Earth and Compassion in World Farming points the finger at governments, which they say are failing to tackle meat over-consumption to meet climate targets.

African Union, Champions 12.3 Unveil 3 Latest Weapons in Food Waste Fight
African Union, Champions 12.3 Unveil 3 Latest Weapons in Food Waste Fight

5 years ago - At the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in 2015, countries committed to Sustainable Development Goal Target 12.3, calling for the world to cut food loss and waste in half by 2030. Now three years on, Champions 12.3 — a global coalition of sustainable food champions — is tracking progress toward this fast-approaching target and finding that the private sector has seized the opportunity to tackle food loss and waste.

The UPS Foundation to Award $2.6 Million In Environmental Grants
The UPS Foundation to Award $2.6 Million In Environmental Grants

5 years ago - ATLANTA – The UPS Foundation, which leads global citizenship and philanthropy programs for

GCAS: 1/8 of Global Market Cap Now Committed to Science-Based Targets
GCAS: 1/8 of Global Market Cap Now Committed to Science-Based Targets

5 years ago - Companies representing roughly one-eighth of total global market capitalization are now using climate science to define their future direction. Nearly three years on from the Paris Agreement and with time running out before greenhouse gas emissions must peak, 2018 has seen an unprecedented rise in the number of companies committing to reduce their emissions in line with the levels required to prevent dangerous global warming.

Trending: C&A, Looptworks, John Lewis Spin Out More Circular Apparel Solutions
Trending: C&A, Looptworks, John Lewis Spin Out More Circular Apparel Solutions

6 years ago - Increasing circularity in the apparel sector will require a variety of initiatives and some of the most valuable ways to bridge the implementation gap will be to provide funding, design new products with closed-loop design and launch take-back programs for would-be-waste items. Announcements on Monday revealed that these are exactly the contributions being made by the C&A Foundation, Looptworks and John Lewis.

SB Brand Transformation Roadmap to Help Companies on Journey to True Sustainability
SB Brand Transformation Roadmap to Help Companies on Journey to True Sustainability

6 years ago - Yesterday at SB'18 Vancouver, Kevin Hagen — VP of Environment, Social and Governance Strategy at Iron Mountain — and Dimitar Vlahov, Director of Content Development at Sustainable Brands (SB), offered a sneak peek at the SB Brand Transformation Roadmap (SM). Built for an executive audience, the first-of-its-kind Roadmap is a framework any organization can use as a compass towards setting goals and measuring progress towards becoming a truly "sustainable brand."

Sustainable Brands Launches Self-Assessment Tool for Brands Navigating Sustainability
Sustainable Brands Launches Self-Assessment Tool for Brands Navigating Sustainability

6 years ago - The SB Brand Transformation RoadmapSM launches today at SB’18 Vancouver as a pioneering self-assessment tool that provides a comprehensive process plan for continuous improvement in sustainability. A first of its kind, it is specifically designed for mainstream brands and businesses who are navigating their journey towards more sustainable business practices.

Why Business Needs to Collaborate for a Clean Energy Future
Why Business Needs to Collaborate for a Clean Energy Future

6 years ago - Many people assume that tech companies are always competing. But as we celebrate Earth Day this year, we’re feeling grateful for our tech peers. When it comes to the environment, working together allows us to make bigger strides toward our shared sustainability goals — and collaboration is the only way forward.

The US Has a Low-Carbon Vehicle Fuel — But It's Being Thrown Away
The US Has a Low-Carbon Vehicle Fuel — But It's Being Thrown Away

6 years ago - The United States generates millions of tons of food scraps; inedible fats, oils and greases; sewage and manure. Some of this organic waste is used for energy or fertilizer, but most of it — around 50 million tons a year — is sent to landfills, incinerated or otherwise left to decompose.

#BusinessCase: Research Finds Hotels Saved $7 for Every $1 Invested in Cutting Food Waste
#BusinessCase: Research Finds Hotels Saved $7 for Every $1 Invested in Cutting Food Waste

6 years ago - In a first-of-its-kind analysis for the hotel industry, food waste reduction programs were shown to be effective and financially beneficial. The research – which was conducted on behalf of Champions 12.3 – studied the costs and benefits of reducing food waste for 42 hotel sites across 15 countries. Over a three-year period, nearly every site realized a positive return on its investment; on average, hotels saved $7 in operating costs for every $1 they had spent on the programs.

Hubbub's ‘Meat Your Match’ Campaign Challenges Preconceptions Around Plant-Based Diets
Hubbub's ‘Meat Your Match’ Campaign Challenges Preconceptions Around Plant-Based Diets

6 years ago - Environmental charity Hubbub has launched a campaign that challenges male gym-goers to replace half of their animal-based protein with plant-based alternatives.

The Role of Business in Driving Sustainable Consumption, Production
The Role of Business in Driving Sustainable Consumption, Production

6 years ago - Business is increasingly aligning its activities with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A recent report shows that 43 percent of the world’s largest 250 companies are now linking their sustainability reporting to the SDGs.

New Calculator Illustrates Extent, Environmental Impacts of US Meat Consumption
New Calculator Illustrates Extent, Environmental Impacts of US Meat Consumption

6 years ago - The US consumes more meat than any other country in the world. But what does this mean for consumers on a personal level? Blitz Results has created a new calculator that shows users the impact of their dietary decisions on the environment. The tool calculates the resources required for an individual's consumption of meat, and provides users with a glimpse at how eating vegetarian alternatives can help drive down their impact.