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Stories About Government

Found 556 stories. Page 3 of 28.

Preparing for the CSRD’s Impact on US Companies
Preparing for the CSRD’s Impact on US Companies

THE NEXT ECONOMY - Like many recent rulings coming out of the EU, the CSRD is designed to drive the rest of the global economy — including around 3,000 US companies — towards meaningful action and ESG disclosure.

How to Ensure Better Offsets and Save the Carbon Market
How to Ensure Better Offsets and Save the Carbon Market

THE NEXT ECONOMY - Newer players Climate Vault and Covalent are banking on their unique approaches — along with the dreaded “R” word, regulation — to salvage the credibility and efficacy of carbon markets.

The Future — It’s Electric! But Are We Ready?
The Future — It’s Electric! But Are We Ready?

CLEANTECH - Reducing GHGs can’t be maximized by simply building solar arrays or windmills. While we upgrade our existing power grid, we must embrace and scale other clean-energy technologies — including renewable natural gas.

New Book Serves Up Case Studies for Cultivating Local Food Economies
New Book Serves Up Case Studies for Cultivating Local Food Economies

THE NEXT ECONOMY - Centered around a rural region of lower Michigan, ‘Shared Abundance’ highlights the power of stakeholder collaboration in building more resilient communities.

Low-Carbon Retrofits are Becoming a Climate Priority for Cities, Fast
Low-Carbon Retrofits are Becoming a Climate Priority for Cities, Fast

THE NEXT ECONOMY - Cities and states are incentivizing retrofits because buildings are major emitters — and because retrofit investments offer significant long-term ROI through energy savings alone.

US Government Launches Climate Corps to Train Youth with Skills Needed to Tackle the Climate Crisis
US Government Launches Climate Corps to Train Youth with Skills Needed to Tackle the Climate Crisis

THE NEXT ECONOMY - In its first year, the American Climate Corps aims to put more than 20,000 young people on career pathways in the growing fields of clean energy, conservation and climate resilience.

IRA Will Get US Halfway to Paris Goals; But We Need Mandates to Reach the Finish Line
IRA Will Get US Halfway to Paris Goals; But We Need Mandates to Reach the Finish Line

CLEANTECH - Keeping the planet below 1.5ºC will require rapid scaling of current technologies and deployment of emergent climate solutions — as well as innovative, binding policy interventions.

AI Is Helping Brands Address Forced Labor in Supply Chains
AI Is Helping Brands Address Forced Labor in Supply Chains

SUPPLY CHAIN - As companies have faced reputational risk due to the uncovering of labor abuses from suppliers that many did not even realize were supplying them, there’s been a push to better manage and ensure supply-chain transparency — with technology playing a key role.

As DOE Invests $1.2B in Direct Air Capture, Climate Justice Groups Decry Business as Usual
As DOE Invests $1.2B in Direct Air Capture, Climate Justice Groups Decry Business as Usual

THE NEXT ECONOMY - Many see DAC as a necessary, if imperfect, tool for achieving needed carbon reductions; but climate justice groups oppose anything that perpetuates petrochemical operation, which often disproportionately harms communities where they are built.

In Current Regulatory Climate, Alt Proteins Can’t Cut It in Race to Reduce Impact of Food
In Current Regulatory Climate, Alt Proteins Can’t Cut It in Race to Reduce Impact of Food

THE NEXT ECONOMY - Phasing out animal agriculture over the next 15 years could reduce GHGs 68% by the year 2100. Yet, ongoing lobbying and subsidies in the US and EU are not giving alternatives the chance to fully compete.

In Response to Uyghur Forced Labor Scrutiny, Supply Chains Are Becoming More Opaque
In Response to Uyghur Forced Labor Scrutiny, Supply Chains Are Becoming More Opaque

SUPPLY CHAIN - Since the passage of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act in 2022, which banned US imports from companies linked to it, solar-industry sourcing is becoming 'less transparent.' Now, the results of inaction are affecting suppliers for car batteries and printers.

Landmark Report Sets Out 7 Steps for Embedding Nature, Equity Goals into Global Financial Activity
Landmark Report Sets Out 7 Steps for Embedding Nature, Equity Goals into Global Financial Activity

THE NEXT ECONOMY - The Taskforce on Nature Markets asserts an unprecedented shift towards accurately pricing nature in global markets must occur to deliver on nature, climate and equity goals.

Beyond Recycling: Report Highlights Need for Circular Approach to Critical Raw Materials
Beyond Recycling: Report Highlights Need for Circular Approach to Critical Raw Materials

THE NEXT ECONOMY - The report from CISL's Corporate Leaders Group showcases the challenges, opportunities and business best practices of embracing more circular practices in CRM use through case studies from Ball, Volvo Cars and more.

Renovate or Rebuild: M&S Oxford St Planning Decision Fuels Debate About ‘Sustainable’ Construction
Renovate or Rebuild: M&S Oxford St Planning Decision Fuels Debate About ‘Sustainable’ Construction

WALKING THE TALK - The retailer argued that a new store would be 25% more energy efficient; but environmentalists say the Oxford Street demolish-rebuild plan would have sent 40K tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere.

The Problem with Hiding from ‘Anti-Woke’ Crusaders
The Problem with Hiding from ‘Anti-Woke’ Crusaders

MARKETING AND COMMS - Anti-ESG agitators are telling a story that’s both inaccurate and bad for business. And silence won’t deter further attacks — though it certainly could compromise long-term brand value.

Congratulations! We’ve Marked Our First Plastic Overshoot Day
Congratulations! We’ve Marked Our First Plastic Overshoot Day

WASTE NOT - July 28, 2023 marks the point when plastic produced surpasses the planet’s capacity to manage it. By tracking this date, we can more clearly understand the problem; and hold governments, businesses and individuals to account for their role in it.

Climate Vault Aims to Spur Climate Action by Locking Away Carbon Permits
Climate Vault Aims to Spur Climate Action by Locking Away Carbon Permits

FINANCE & INVESTMENT - The organization works to purchase and vault CO2 permits from regulated cap-and-trade compliance markets — thus keeping major polluters from using them to emit and, theoretically, stopping pollution before it happens.

GAF's First Urban Heat Project Produces Cool Results
GAF's First Urban Heat Project Produces Cool Results

THE NEXT ECONOMY - GAF coatings had been proven to cool surfaces and ambient air on individual applications but had never been applied on a community-wide scale. Preliminary data showed a 25-50% reduction of the urban heat island effect during peak temperatures.

Alt-Protein Industry Ramping Up to Be ‘All Sizzle and No Steak’ — in the Best Way
Alt-Protein Industry Ramping Up to Be ‘All Sizzle and No Steak’ — in the Best Way

THE NEXT ECONOMY - Future Food Tech’s recent Alternative Proteins event, which convened over 600 industry players, showcased the myriad innovations that will enable us to continue to bring home the bacon (and chicken, beef, fish …) without further endangering the health of the planet.

Is the Chocolate Industry Ready for Europe’s Strict Due Diligence Requirements?
Is the Chocolate Industry Ready for Europe’s Strict Due Diligence Requirements?

SUPPLY CHAIN - The EU’s mandatory environmental and human rights due diligence laws will require companies, traders and farmers around the world to rethink how they source major commodities. But cacao may be the one to watch to see the impacts of these regulations.
