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Stories About Natural Resources

Found 760 stories. Page 3 of 38.

Alarming IPCC Report Makes It Clear: We Can’t Wait to Invest in Nature
Alarming IPCC Report Makes It Clear: We Can’t Wait to Invest in Nature

CIRCULAR ECONOMY - Nature-based solutions aren’t a silver-bullet climate solution, but neither is placing all bets on future technologies. If we don't invest in nature now, we can soon expect to spend far more on climate damage with far fewer paths forward.

Tom Ford Plastic Innovation Prize Winners Offer Viable, Marine-Safe Solutions to Thin-Film Waste
Tom Ford Plastic Innovation Prize Winners Offer Viable, Marine-Safe Solutions to Thin-Film Waste

MATERIALS & PACKAGING - The three winners are sourcing and scaling biobased and degradable alternatives to traditional, thin-film plastic made from fossil fuels.

Biomimicry 3.8, Interface Demystify the Path to Regenerative Business
Biomimicry 3.8, Interface Demystify the Path to Regenerative Business

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - In this first post of a series on how businesses can move beyond sustainable to regenerative, B3.8 and Interface outline an accessible, 4-step framework that is flexible enough for any organization to follow but robust enough to generate the breakthrough innovations that our planet demands.

Recenter and Accelerate: Japanese Brands Discuss Future-Proofing the Country’s Economy
Recenter and Accelerate: Japanese Brands Discuss Future-Proofing the Country’s Economy

CIRCULAR ECONOMY - “How is the world transforming itself, and how is that going to be linked to corporate activities? We need to achieve symbiosis with that.” — Akihiro Inatsugi, Bridgestone

3 Material Innovators Using Algae to Paint Greener Picture for Fashion
3 Material Innovators Using Algae to Paint Greener Picture for Fashion

MATERIALS & PACKAGING - Living Ink, Algaeing and Mounid are changing the game with carbon-negative, fast-to-produce alternatives to carcinogenic, petroleum-based inks, dyes and textiles.

More Conscious Travelers, Climate Concerns Impacting Accommodation Design
More Conscious Travelers, Climate Concerns Impacting Accommodation Design

INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY - Embodied carbon, clean energy, resource efficiency, and supporting local communities and biodiversity are among the many critical factors in making tourism fit to flourish in a climate-challenged future.

Linked Climate Variability Between Distant Regions Highlights Interconnectivity of Global Climate Change
Linked Climate Variability Between Distant Regions Highlights Interconnectivity of Global Climate Change

CIRCULAR ECONOMY - A new report on teleconnections between the Amazon rainforest and the Tibetan Plateau creates new understanding of interconnected tipping elements and their perilously close tipping points: “The major lesson here is that it’s a small world.”

Will a Sustainable Future for Agriculture Take Us Underwater?
Will a Sustainable Future for Agriculture Take Us Underwater?

INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY - Nemo’s Garden is growing plants in underwater biospheres — a hydroponic, multi-beneficial ag solution that could provide coastal communities with fresh food and water, while promoting marine life.

We Must Protect and Support Our Local Dairy Farms
We Must Protect and Support Our Local Dairy Farms

INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY - In many parts of the US, the dairy farmer is a staple in the agricultural landscape; yet many multi-generational dairies are closing their barn doors. Solutions such as anaerobic digesters not only help farms mitigate their environmental impacts, they create new revenue streams and cost savings.

Algae May Be a ‘Brilliant’ Solution for Capturing Carbon at Gigaton Scale
Algae May Be a ‘Brilliant’ Solution for Capturing Carbon at Gigaton Scale

MATERIALS & PACKAGING - By controlling and replicating natural processes, Brilliant Planet’s technology can permanently sequester CO2 from the air while also deacidifying the ocean.

Struggling to Scale Up Sustainably? Ask Nature
Struggling to Scale Up Sustainably? Ask Nature

INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY - I hope every entrepreneur and business leader takes a moment to see if Mother Nature has already created what they're trying to create or achieve in the marketplace.

Stok Highlights 5 Key Priorities in the Evolution of the Workplace
Stok Highlights 5 Key Priorities in the Evolution of the Workplace

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - Industry leaders provide guidance for prioritizing changes to your organization’s real estate and workplace strategy to maximize employee productivity, retention and wellbeing.

Farming More Seaweed Could Be Sustainable Way Forward for Food, Feed, Fuel
Farming More Seaweed Could Be Sustainable Way Forward for Food, Feed, Fuel

CIRCULAR ECONOMY - Seaweed has great potential as a superfood and a building block for products including plastics, fibers and fuel. Expanding seaweed farming could help reduce demand for crops on land and global GHGs from agriculture by up to 2.6B tonnes of CO2e per year.

BIER Guides Beverage Companies on Water Circularity
BIER Guides Beverage Companies on Water Circularity

CIRCULAR ECONOMY - The Guide provides easy-to-follow processes, as well as important considerations when pivoting focus from on-site techniques to off-site circularity endeavors.

Basecamp Research Helping Expand Global Access to Safe, Natural Chemicals and Proteins
Basecamp Research Helping Expand Global Access to Safe, Natural Chemicals and Proteins

MATERIALS & PACKAGING - With a goal of phasing out toxic and forever chemicals in consumer products, the UK-based biotech startup is spearheading the ethical, equitable discovery and utilization of the safe, effective chemicals and proteins waiting to be found in nature and developed for human use and benefit.

Faroe Islands ‘Preservolution’ Strategy Prioritizes Sustainability, Engages Local Residents
Faroe Islands ‘Preservolution’ Strategy Prioritizes Sustainability, Engages Local Residents

CIRCULAR ECONOMY - Visit Faroe Islands’ innovative strategy and annual ‘Closed for Maintenance’ voluntourism program illustrate the destination’s dual commitment to both promotion and the sustainable development. Lacking relevant legislation, VFI uses tourism to support sustainable development on a broader scale.

Next-Gen Underwater Turbines Blow Wind Model Out of the Water
Next-Gen Underwater Turbines Blow Wind Model Out of the Water

INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY - Brazilian startup TidalWatt has rethought underwater turbines — theirs are 60x smaller and produce 3x as much energy as wind turbines, are harmless to marine life, and promote the formation of artificial reefs.

COP15 Must Mark a Turning Point for Meat and Dairy Investors
COP15 Must Mark a Turning Point for Meat and Dairy Investors

FINANCE & INVESTMENT - Meat and dairy companies need to go further and faster to protect our natural world — before politicians, regulators and investors make the decision for them. The latest FAIRR Index shows what’s possible and shines a spotlight on the investment risks of maintaining the status quo.

Meet 2 Biomaterial Startups Cultivating a Circular, Climate-Friendlier Fashion Industry
Meet 2 Biomaterial Startups Cultivating a Circular, Climate-Friendlier Fashion Industry

MATERIALS & PACKAGING - Orange Fiber and Keel Labs are platforms for exploration and innovation that can reverberate across the fashion industry and prove that sustainable feedstocks and production processes can create both financial and planetary prosperity.

Energy Startup’s Biomimetic Solar Trees Planting Roots for a Net-Zero Future
Energy Startup’s Biomimetic Solar Trees Planting Roots for a Net-Zero Future

INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY - Inspired by nature, SolarBotanic’s solar trees use leaf-shaped, thin-film, photovoltaic nanotechnology to harness both sun and eventually wind energy to power houses, charge EVs or be stored for future use.