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Circular Economy

The constant stream of new models, products and processes that are helping organizations extend the useful life of resources and materials while reducing, repurposing and ultimately eliminating waste in all its forms

Trending: Turning Trash Into Treasure in the Name of Ending Food Waste

With one-third of the world’s food — approximately 1.3 billion tons — lost or wasted, finding solutions that keep waste out of landfills is just as important as stopping food waste at the source. Two new technologies could, however, hold the key to a zero-food-waste future.

Urban Barrels: Giving Sails, and Local Manufacturing, a Second Life

The Southern California startup rescues end-of-life sails from landfill and turns them into hats, bags and other items.

AVs, Shared Mobility, IoT to Shape Future Urban Mobility, Says New McKinsey Report

Urban mobility is undergoing a dramatic transformation with the emergence of new technology and transportation services. The pace and extent of this transformation will vary from city to city and depends largely on factors such as density, household income, the state of existing infrastructure, pollution and congestion levels, as well as local governance capabilities.

6 Months In, IKEA's 'Food Is Precious' Initiative Has Prevented Over $980K Worth of Food Waste

IKEA has been making considerable progress towards its sustainability goals by embracing disruptive design and investing in sustainable materials. While the Swedish retailer has largely focused its environmental efforts on its home goods portfolio, the brand is now turning its attentions to tackling food waste.

Nordic Council Environment Prize Nominates Pioneering Waste-Free Solutions

The Nordic region continues to blaze trails on the zero-waste front, as innovators from across the region vie for the Nordic Council Environment Prize and a chance to bring their projects and initiatives to a global audience. The Council has announced the nominees for its 2017 prize, which seeks to raise awareness around the environmental work being done across the Nordic region. This year’s theme focuses on initiatives promoting, developing or initiating waste-free solutions.

New WWF Global Platform Seeks to Create Mainstream Market for Secondary Materials

Reliance on virgin raw materials to produce products has a significant, often detrimental, impact on both ecosystems and communities. A widespread shift towards a more circular model is essential to secure a more sustainable future, yet there exist systematic barriers to the acquisition and sourcing of high-quality, secondary materials.

Closed Loop Fund Impact Results Demonstrate Economic Benefits of Recycling for Municipalities

Closed Loop Fund (CLF) has released the results of its latest impact report, which highlights recent successes such as the diversion of 100,000 tons of materials from landfill, a 230,000 metric ton reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the creation of more than $530,000 in economic benefits to municipalities.

British Standards Institute Officially Launches BS8001 Circular Economy Standard

After months of waiting, the British Standards Institute (BSI) has finally launched BS8001, the world’s first standard for implementing circular economy principles.

Lord of the Flies: The Insect Army Storming the Food Waste Front

How do you solve a problem like food waste? There’s no magic bullet, but realizing that discarded food attracts flies like nothing else, UK-based startup Entomics has engineered an upcycling solution that exploits the metabolic power of insects to convert leftover scraps into high-value protein and fertilizer product.

Trending: Europe, China Roll Out Regulations to Create Safe, Responsible Sharing Economy

At this stage in the game, there’s no stopping the sharing economy, but organizations and government in the UK and China are working to create a safer, more responsible space that allows consumers, businesses and investors to fully take advantage of its benefits through the rolling out of greater regulation. Back in 2016, UK trade body Sharing Economy UK (SEUK) launched its TrustSeal — the world’s first kitemark for the sharing economy in an effort to make the industry a safer space for consumers.

Ellen MacArthur, H&M, Nike Challenge Take-Make-Dispose Model with New Circular Fibres Initiative

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation continues to drive forward the circular economy agenda with the launch of a new initiative that brings together key industry stakeholders, including C&A Foundation, H&M, Nike Inc,

Closed Loop Foundation Gears Up to Boost Circular Economy Investment with New Research Initiative

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. In an effort to boost capital investments geared towards recycling infrastructure and the development of the development of the circular economy, the Closed Loop Foundation has launched a new research initiative.

In Finland, the Circular Economy Goes Mainstream

Poised as a leader in the transition to a circular economy, Finland is living up to expectations with businesses finding new uses for wood pulp and doughnut fryer fat.

The Recycling Partnership: How We’re Fixing a Broken System

This is the third in a three-part series from The Recycling Partnership on collaborating to drive effective engagement – and action – around recycling. Read part one about recycling’s potential and impact and part two about the circular economy. Q: What is recycling?

Buying Secondhand Saves 16.3M Tons of CO2 Per Year, According to New Report

How much pollution can potentially be saved annually through secondhand trade if each used product replaces the production of a new one? That is the question Schibsted Media Group set out to answer in its second edition of The Second Hand Effect.

London Driving UK Forward Towards Low-Carbon, Circular Future

While the future environmental regulation in the UK remains in the balance following the implementation of Article 50, London continues to push forward towards a sustainable future.

Can a Country Become a Sustainable Brand? Why Wales Is Up for the Challenge

“We hope that what Wales is doing today, the world will do tomorrow.” In 2015 Nikhil Seth, a leading UN representative, hailed the Welsh Government’s Well-being of Future Generations Act as a pioneering piece of legislation, saying it captured the essence of two decades’ worth of UN work in the field of sustainable development.

Toxic Chemicals in Recycled Plastic Electronics Threaten Circular Economy

A recent report by UK-based charity CHEMTrust has linked the recycling of plastic components of electrical and electronic products to dangerous human health risks, creating obstacles for the recycling industry and the widespread adoption of a circular economy.

While Scotland Flourishes, Red Tape Puts the Brakes on Circular Economy in the UK

With UK Prime Minister Theresa May putting Article 50 into effect, many questions have arisen in regards to the UK’s sustainability agenda. Uncertainty exists about whether the economic powerhouse and EU defector will adhere to the ambitious goals laid out by its counterparts on the continent or if it will take a more reserved approach to the climate goals outlined in the Paris Agreement. But even if the UK decides to continue pushing an ambitious agenda, deeply rooted politics and red tape could prove problematic for progress.

New Study Cites Sustainability as Top Priority for Millennial Workforce

At this stage in the game, a company’s performance in regards to environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues strongly influences its value in the eyes of investors. But such matters are increasingly becoming important considerations for the millennial workforce too.