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Finance & Investment

The latest in the spheres of socially responsible investing, impact investing, and other ways investors and shareholders are asserting their desire for ethical investment options.

Environmental Data in the Time of Corona: Preparing for Shocks to the System

It has been heartening to see major organisations doing the right thing when it comes to dealing with the coronavirus: Follow the science. Although the COVID and climate crises are profoundly different, the parallels are obvious — and the key to surviving both is to use data-driven strategies to improve resilience to future shocks.

Teach a Man to Fish: Why Some Travel Companies Support Microfinance

While sustainable tourism offerings are increasing along with traveler interest in giving back to the communities that they visit, most operators support local organizations through donations. But a growing wave are opting for microfinance to create larger, lasting impacts for more people.

Opening Up Thousands of New Forest Acres to Meet the Demands of Carbon Markets

For those searching for ways to implement critically important climate goals, the Family Forest Carbon Program is a path to reducing your carbon footprint, enhancing forest benefits and supporting rural livelihoods — all while meeting stakeholder expectations for corporate sustainability.

New Blockchain-Based System Aims to Supercharge $200B+ Climate Finance Markets

Climate Futures’ 1PLANET Marketplace will launch during Earth Month as a blockchain-enabled, decentralized app (dapp) designed to help users do their part to mitigate the climate crisis — and keep it top of mind during COVID-19 hysteria.

New Tool Shows Billions at Stake in Meat Sector Due to Climate Concerns

$20T investor network releases first-of-its-kind tool to model the financial impacts of climate change on five leading meat firms and the animal protein sector at large.

BNP Paribas, JetBlue to Close Aviation Industry’s First ESG-Linked RCF

JetBlue’s amended $550 million RCF includes a “sustainability-linked” provision, to align its strategic initiatives with its environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance goals — which the airline has been doing for years, in various ways.

Jeff Bezos Launches $10B Earth Fund to ‘Preserve and Protect the Natural World’

The Amazon CEO, historically silent on the climate change issue and his company’s role within it, announces his personal vested interest — but critics and Amazon employees want more.

Q&A on LTSE: SASB Founder Jean Rogers on the First Legally Binding, Sustainable Stock Exchange

Created by some of the brilliant minds who built the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), the Long-Term Stock Exchange is a first-of-its-kind exchange that invests in companies focused on long-term value creation, while requiring the listed companies to report on their sustainability.

Don’t You (Forget About P)

Every product (P) has an impact on the consumer and society. Yet it appears that what all ESG ratings fail to do is evaluate the impact on the positive and negative externalities of a company’s P. While ESG looks at operational aspects of a business, P is the part that ESG seemingly forgot.

Big Finance Is About to Unify Its 3 Distinct Sustainability Brands

To profit from sustainability, financiers first must be set free from the current profit-and-risk framework; so they, too, can see the infinite possibilities that lie beyond a carbon-based economy.

Defining the Decade of Inclusive Growth

As we enter a new decade, it is evident that stakeholder capitalism is here to stay. This new era means that businesses can only be assured of success by adopting values that mean that everyone, everywhere can participate in the cycle of inclusive growth.

Powering Inclusive Growth from the Ground Up

As the digital age ushers in a ‘new generation of inequalities’ around information, technology and education, the private sector must play a pivotal role in connecting people to the resources and networks they need to get by and get ahead in a changing economy.

BlackRock Responds to Demands for Stronger Climate Action with Bold New Commitments

CEO Larry Fink has called for “a fundamental reshaping of finance” in response to the climate crisis, but BlackRock remains the largest investor in fossil fuels and the companies driving deforestation around the world.

New Roadmap Outlines Best Practice in Corporate Transparency

Cross-Posted from Marketing and Comms. A rise in stakeholder interest, especially investors, in greater alignment between sustainability and financial transparency has spurred companies to more clearly communicate their purpose and how it creates long-term value across all their communication channels.

Next-Gen Impact Measurement Tools a Needed Boost for Companies to Achieve BHAGs

Cross-Posted from New Metrics. “Sustainability” is so last year. This week at New Metrics ’19, we explored the growing range of tools and tricks needed to keep up with demand for next-level goals such as plastic-neutrality, 100% circularity and properly quantified social and product impacts.

Happy Birthday, GRI — Time Now to Put the Horse Before the Cart

The timing is right for taking concrete steps to standardize a set of generally accepted triple-bottom-line accounting principles, and for making GRI and other reporting standards stronger than they’ve ever been before.

Sea Change: How to Spark Sustainable Innovation in an Old-School Industry

Many people and organizations, as well as broad market and social trends, contributed to sustainable seafood’s arrival at this place. Everyone who engaged helped build the network; and because they did, our oceans and plates are going to be healthier.

Trending: Public-Private Partnerships Foster Solutions for Climate-Resilient World

The Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance has launched six new financial instruments for climate-related projects in developing countries; while the World Economic Forum has convened public and private partners to launch the Coalition for Climate-Resilient Investment.

UN-Backed Chocolate Bar Enables Consumers to Directly Impact Farmer Livelihoods

Cross-Posted from Supply Chain. The Other Bar is an experiment in influencing consumer behaviour through quantifiable proof of impact. If it can prove that consumers will buy and be loyal to impactful products, the hope is that bigger brands will want to follow suit, turning their marketing dollars into impact.

Mastercard, Clothing Giants Partner to Help Garment Workers Secure Financial Futures

By partnering with companies with labor-intensive supply chains, Mastercard is creating digital solutions to give workers more control and transparency over their earnings and savings.
