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Finance & Investment

The growing number of funds, tools, mechanisms and markets helping organizations, investors and the public put their money where their mouth is to drive sustainable change

Ando Launching World's First 100% Fossil-Free Insurance Program

Through partnerships with leading providers including Allstate, Nationwide and Travelers, Ando aims to expand the scope of financial independence from fossil fuels available to sustainability-conscious consumers. Read More...

War in Ukraine Takes Toll on East Asian Economies, Prospects for Achieving SDGs

As ever, it is the most vulnerable people around the world who suffer greatest from slow growth, rising inflation, and the energy and food system disruptions stemming from the war in Ukraine. Bridging the finance divide, while ensuring that resources catalyze the necessary transformations, will be key for putting the SDGs back within reach. Read More...

Rise in ‘Balance Sheet Activism’ Swells CNote’s Community Investment Platform to $300M

Apple, Netflix, Xylem and others are putting corporate cash to work in financially underserved communities by moving money to CDFIs, LID credit unions and MDIs throughout the US. Read More...

BlackRock ‘Anticipates’ 75% of Portfolio Edging Toward Net Zero by 2030

While the announcement from the world’s largest asset manager could potentially have significant influence on lowering global emissions, BlackRock’s passive approach is a missed opportunity to actively drive the transition to a low-carbon, net-zero economy. Read More...

40 Acre Co-Op Sowing Seeds for Financially Sustainable Future for Black Farmers

The first national Black farmer co-op since the Reconstruction era is on a mission to revive and support Black farmers — which have dwindled to a mere 1.4% of farmers in the US — and cultivate a national network of growers of regeneratively farmed hemp. Read More...

680+ Investors Call on Over 10K Companies to Share Environmental Data

While more companies are reporting through CDP every year, many still do not disclose enough data on their environmental impact. Non-disclosure will not be an option for many companies for much longer, with a series of mandatory environmental disclosure requirements coming this year around the world. Read More...

New Bank of the West Report Highlights Major Consumer Knowledge Gaps in Sustainable Finance

Fossil fuels and other climate-risky endeavors are still big money for banks; and even if consumers find their bank continues to fund them, it’s something they often feel powerless to change. Read More...

Visa Commits $100M to Help Minority Depository Institutions Drive Economic Mobility

MDIs are trusted providers for communities of color and include some of the oldest minority-owned US banks; they play a unique role in increasing access to financial services for underserved populations. Read More...

Company-Specific ESG Adoption Pushes Leaders to Dig Deeper

The rise of company-specific materiality assessments will require companies to undertake substantial organizational and behavioral adjustments, reduce their reliance on standardized metrics, and incent investors to dig more deeply into the inner workings of individual portfolio companies. Read More...

Fossil Free Banking Alliance to Help Conscious Consumers Put Their Money Where Their Mouths Are

Bank.Green’s new Alliance, made up of 8 founding members, aims to fuel the global movement towards a more sustainable and climate-resilient financial sector. Read More...

Umpqua Bank Offers $2M Infusion to Support Minority, Women Entrepreneurs

Through a series of multi-year partnerships with business-focused nonprofits, Umpqua aims to close the opportunity gap in access to capital, resources, and expertise for traditionally underserved innovators. Read More...

Decolonizing Wealth Project Redistributes $1M Towards Indigenous-Led Sustainability Efforts

The multi-year, multimillion-dollar Indigenous Earth Fund initiative will support systemic and policy-change efforts centered around Indigenous leaders and environmental solutions. Read More...

1% for the 99%: Corporate Leaders’ Golden Opportunity to Recharge US Communities

By unleashing the corporate balance sheet, finance teams can provide resources to nurture local entrepreneurial talent, improve climate resilience and build housing — all with minimal risk. Read More...

Improving the Sustainability of Wet Processing: An Investment Pot of Gold

In the textile industry, one area ripe for investment is making wet processing more sustainable. As with most pots of gold, it’s not without its challenges — but data indicate that the returns are well worth the effort. Investors keen to seize this nascent opportunity should consider three primary steps. Read More...

Report Presents Decarbonization of Fashion Industry as $1T Investment Opportunity

Estimating an investment opportunity of $1 trillion, a new Fashion for Good-Apparel Impact Institute report breaks down the funding needed by solution category and identifies the types of funders best placed to take advantage of the opportunity and benefit from the positive returns. Read More...

HSBC to Phase Out Coal Financing by 2040 — Will Wall Street Follow Suit?

HSBC announces its thermal coal phase-out plan on the same day as a Sierra Club-Center for American Progress report calls out Wall Street’s outsized contribution to the climate crisis. Can the necessary sea change be made in time to avoid disaster? Read More...

Beyond Data: How Financial Firms Can Build a Sustainable Future

Disclosure and data certainly are important, but they are not sufficient to create a more equitable and sustainable world. Companies that take a narrow or compliance-focused approach to ESG are missing the forest for the trees. Read More...

Blended Finance Offers the Best Approach to Climate Change Adaptation

With so little time left, we must prepare for the colossal climate challenges yet to come. We hope our approach to public-private blended finance will inspire other multinationals, investors and climate funds to support protective measures that ensure the climate resilience of their supply chains and the global economy. Read More...

How ESG Is Forever Changing Investing, Design in the Built Environment

Simply returning profits to investors is no longer a good enough measure of success. If any stakeholder does not see benefits in the design of a capital project, then gaining support is unlikely. Is your organization ready for multi-stakeholder investment and design? Read More...

Decolonizing Wealth: What If Money Could Heal Us?

In this excerpt from his bestselling book, "Decolonizing Wealth," award-winning author and philanthropic advisor Edgar Villanueva provides a glimpse into how money can help to disrupt some of the deep, systemic inequities in this country, instead of continuing to feed them. Read More...

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