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Finance & Investment

The latest in the spheres of socially responsible investing, impact investing, and other ways investors and shareholders are asserting their desire for ethical investment options.

What SEC ESG Disclosure Mandates Might Mean for Your Business

Cross-Posted from Marketing and Comms. Earlier this month, Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose convened 17 CEOs and key legal leaders to discuss newly proposed environmental and social governance disclosure requirements from the SEC. Here are four key takeaways from the conversation.

Look for These 3 Attributes When Buying High-Quality Carbon Credits

Cross-Posted from The Next Economy. For carbon markets to be effective, a dedicated effort must be made by corporate buyers and project developers to align on a high standard of excellence. Companies exploring offsets should look for these three attributes of a project to feel confident they are purchasing high-quality carbon credits.

Proposed SEC Rules to Enhance, Standardize Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors

Cross-Posted from Marketing and Comms. The rules — which would require companies to include information about their GHG emissions and climate-related risks likely to have a material impact on their business, results of operations or financial condition — have garnered mixed reviews from stakeholders.

680+ Investors Call on Over 10K Companies to Share Environmental Data

While more companies are reporting through CDP every year, many still do not disclose enough data on their environmental impact. Non-disclosure will not be an option for many companies for much longer, with a series of mandatory environmental disclosure requirements coming this year around the world.

New Bank of the West Report Highlights Major Consumer Knowledge Gaps in Sustainable Finance

Fossil fuels and other climate-risky endeavors are still big money for banks; and even if consumers find their bank continues to fund them, it’s something they often feel powerless to change.

Visa Commits $100M to Help Minority Depository Institutions Drive Economic Mobility

MDIs are trusted providers for communities of color and include some of the oldest minority-owned US banks; they play a unique role in increasing access to financial services for underserved populations.

Company-Specific ESG Adoption Pushes Leaders to Dig Deeper

The rise of company-specific materiality assessments will require companies to undertake substantial organizational and behavioral adjustments, reduce their reliance on standardized metrics, and incent investors to dig more deeply into the inner workings of individual portfolio companies.

Fossil Free Banking Alliance to Help Conscious Consumers Put Their Money Where Their Mouths Are

Bank.Green’s new Alliance, made up of 8 founding members, aims to fuel the global movement towards a more sustainable and climate-resilient financial sector.

Umpqua Bank Offers $2M Infusion to Support Minority, Women Entrepreneurs

Through a series of multi-year partnerships with business-focused nonprofits, Umpqua aims to close the opportunity gap in access to capital, resources, and expertise for traditionally underserved innovators.

Decolonizing Wealth Project Redistributes $1M Towards Indigenous-Led Sustainability Efforts

The multi-year, multimillion-dollar Indigenous Earth Fund initiative will support systemic and policy-change efforts centered around Indigenous leaders and environmental solutions.

BlackRock's Fink Expounds on Need for Decarbonization, But Not Divestment

Cross-Posted from Walking the Talk. In his annual letter to CEOs, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink says that, while decarbonizing the global economy is ‘the greatest investment opportunity of our lifetime,’ he also asserts that ‘divesting from entire sectors will not get the world to net zero.’

1% for the 99%: Corporate Leaders’ Golden Opportunity to Recharge US Communities

By unleashing the corporate balance sheet, finance teams can provide resources to nurture local entrepreneurial talent, improve climate resilience and build housing — all with minimal risk.

Improving the Sustainability of Wet Processing: An Investment Pot of Gold

In the textile industry, one area ripe for investment is making wet processing more sustainable. As with most pots of gold, it’s not without its challenges — but data indicate that the returns are well worth the effort. Investors keen to seize this nascent opportunity should consider three primary steps.

Report Presents Decarbonization of Fashion Industry as $1T Investment Opportunity

Estimating an investment opportunity of $1 trillion, a new Fashion for Good-Apparel Impact Institute report breaks down the funding needed by solution category and identifies the types of funders best placed to take advantage of the opportunity and benefit from the positive returns.

HSBC to Phase Out Coal Financing by 2040 — Will Wall Street Follow Suit?

HSBC announces its thermal coal phase-out plan on the same day as a Sierra Club-Center for American Progress report calls out Wall Street’s outsized contribution to the climate crisis. Can the necessary sea change be made in time to avoid disaster?

Beyond Data: How Financial Firms Can Build a Sustainable Future

Disclosure and data certainly are important, but they are not sufficient to create a more equitable and sustainable world. Companies that take a narrow or compliance-focused approach to ESG are missing the forest for the trees.

‘Vanguardians of the Galaxy’ Stunt Shows Climate Laggards Can No Longer Fly Under the Radar

Cross-Posted from Marketing and Comms. Two recent releases by a noted activist group put tough questions in front of one of the world’s largest financial institutions — which would be wise to pay attention.

Blended Finance Offers the Best Approach to Climate Change Adaptation

With so little time left, we must prepare for the colossal climate challenges yet to come. We hope our approach to public-private blended finance will inspire other multinationals, investors and climate funds to support protective measures that ensure the climate resilience of their supply chains and the global economy.

New Campaign Empowers Consumers to Ditch Banks Financing Fossil Fuels

Cross-Posted from Behavior Change. 'Swap for COP' asserts that moving one’s money out of fossil-fuel-financing banks is one of the simplest and most impactful things that individuals can do to help mitigate the climate crisis.

New Verizon Accelerator Propelling Climate-Justice Solutions ‘Forward for Good’

Cross-Posted from Product, Service & Design Innovation. The Forward for Good Accelerator sends a clear signal of the company’s willingness to build meaningful collaborations with more nimble change makers, offering Fortune 20 assistance in a mutually beneficial way.
