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Product, Service & Design Innovation

The latest products, services, design approaches and business models that are helping organizations of all sizes deliver on their sustainability ambitions and establish a new business as usual.

How Netafim Is Helping Build Resilience in Rice Production

Through a partnership with Regrow Ag, precision-agriculture business Netafim is helping rice farmers worldwide to seamlessly adopt climate-smart farming practices.

Brandable Solar Panels Bring New Meaning to ‘Marketing Sustainability’

Cross-Posted from Cleantech. As sustainability and branding become more intermingled for forward-thinking brands, being able to turn unattractive solar arrays into marketing assets exemplifies resource efficiency.

Innovating for Impact: The Sustainable Tech Trends to Watch in 2024

Many companies have embarked on their sustainability journey. In 2024, the challenge will be to prioritize the innovations that add the most impact.

Startup on a Mission to UNDO Climate Change by ‘Putting Carbon in Its Place’

Using enhanced rock weathering to draw down carbon from the atmosphere, UNDO aims to spread enough crushed rock on farmlands by 2025 to permanently remove 1M tons of CO2.

An Early Adopter’s Guide to Sustainability: 5 Lessons Learned

Cross-Posted from Walking the Talk. Companies that challenge the idea of business-as-usual can set the pace of innovation for their peers despite the risk of failure. And you might just unlock a new way of doing business and see ripple effects for years to come.

Virtual Travel Offers New Perspectives, Accessibility to Hard-to-Reach Natural Wonders

While tourism has returned to pre-pandemic levels and the industry re-embraces physical travel, virtual travel operators see a different future on the horizon.

2024 Outlook: Sustainable Businesses Must Partner and Help Sustain Others

Through Citizen Verizon, we have the opportunity and obligation to leverage our technology to drive positive societal impact across key areas: Digital Inclusion, Climate Protection and Human Prosperity.

Could AI Hold the Key for Brands Struggling to Unlock the Ambition-Action Conundrum?

As Ubuntoo co-founder Peter Schelstraete explains, AI tools allow us to decrease ‘unknowns’ exponentially; but he makes it clear that his technology will not replace human expertise.

Gifts That Keep on Giving: SB’s 2023 Holiday Gift Guide

Here’s this year’s list of some of the many companies, platforms and products aligned with a more intentional approach to production and consumption that we’d be happy to support anytime.

Cradle to Cradle Certified: Ever Honing a Leading-Edge Standard for Product Sustainability

Shaw’s Tara Currier sat down with Elwyn Grainger-Jones, new ED of the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute, to learn more about how the Institute drives continued improvements in products across industries.

From Historic Foundations to Today’s Debates on Artificial Intelligence

Fears about the uncontrolled growth of artificial intelligence have exploded into public debate this year. Day 2 of the UN Business and Human Rights Forum examined the challenges through a human-rights lens.

Hakodate Carl Raymon: 100 Years of Trust, Dedication and Creating Shared Value

The Japanese ham and sausage producer still uses the production traditions of its founder. To understand the roots of this brand value, we must go back in time to learn about the life of Carl Raymon himself.

Navigating the Holiday Waste Conundrum: The Pragmatic Role of AI in Retail Sustainability

Cross-Posted from Waste Not. The use of AI in retail planning is now a strategic imperative in the fight against waste of all kinds — including the rampant waste created during the holiday season.

Air Company: Fueling the Shift from Emissions to Resources

Cross-Posted from Cleantech. After launching with consumer products vodka and perfume, the carbon-capture innovator is now banking on turning the world’s most abundant pollutant into sustainable aviation fuel.

Unilever Sharing Formulas for Lower-Impact Ice Cream Recipes

Unilever’s reworked ice cream recipes can now stay frozen at lower temperatures, helping to lower freezer emissions. Now, it’s sharing 12 reformulation patents for the industry to follow suit.

A Sound Solution: How Palmear Is Revolutionizing Palm Tree Pest Control

Palmear’s acoustic-sensing, AI-powered app helps farmers monitor palm tree pest populations and deploy targeted interventions for effective control.

More Sustainable Animal Protein Is Possible Through Innovative Breeding and Genetics

A blend of technology, sustainability practices and advanced genetics that is helping revolutionize the beef and dairy industries is emerging to address our global protein-deficiency problem.

Japanese Dairy Farming Being Optimized by Digital Tech, Sustainable Practices

Farmnote’s system uses AI to learn and analyze individual cows’ health, allowing for remote cattle management — helping dairy farmers to enhance productivity and utilize their time more effectively.

A Rogue Startup Thinks It Has a Solution to Climate Change; The Scientific Community Disagrees

Despite a lack of scientific consensus regarding the efficacy and safety of its approach, intrepid startup Make Sunsets is throwing caution to the wind (literally).

Can Our Current Food System Be Redeemed?

Cross-Posted from Protein PACT. At SB’23 San Diego, we got several looks at some of the holistic, new approaches to agriculture that may just mitigate the risks in how our food — even meat — is produced.
