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Innovation & Technology

The latest products, services, design approaches and business models that are helping organizations of all sizes deliver on their sustainability ambitions and establish a new business as usual

WEF’s New Immersive Technology Hub to Address Climate Tipping Points

Part of the Global Collaboration Village, leaders can now come together in the metaverse to experience and solve the deepening effects of the climate crisis.

IRA Will Get US Halfway to Paris Goals; But We Need Mandates to Reach the Finish Line

Keeping the planet below 1.5ºC will require rapid scaling of current technologies and deployment of emergent climate solutions — as well as innovative, binding policy interventions.

AI Is Helping Brands Address Forced Labor in Supply Chains

Cross-Posted from Supply Chain. As companies have faced reputational risk due to the uncovering of labor abuses from suppliers that many did not even realize were supplying them, there’s been a push to better manage and ensure supply-chain transparency — with technology playing a key role.

As DOE Invests $1.2B in Direct Air Capture, Climate Justice Groups Decry Business as Usual

Many see DAC as a necessary, if imperfect, tool for achieving needed carbon reductions; but climate justice groups oppose anything that perpetuates petrochemical operation, which often disproportionately harms communities where they are built.

Nike Unveils Fully Circular Shoe Designed for Disassembly, Recyclability

Nike’s ISPA (Improvise, Scavenge, Protect, Adapt) design philosophy challenges creators to experiment, break molds and reimagine products. The ISPA Link Axis uses interlocking components, as few materials as possible and zero glue.

New Insulating Paints Reduce Energy, Costs, Emissions, Discomfort in Extreme Temperatures

Cross-Posted from Materials & Packaging. The paints, developed by Stanford researchers, can reduce the need for both heating and air conditioning in buildings, as well as refrigerated cargo spaces such as trains and trucks.

We Can Eat Our Way Out of the Climate Crisis

Cross-Posted from Circular Economy. Applied to food supply chains, ambient IoT allows farmers, distributors, grocers, regulators and consumers to know where food came from, how far it traveled, how it was transported and stored, and what condition it’s in — in real time.

No More Styrofoam: 2 Startups Creating Viable, Sustainable Alternatives with Ag Waste

Cross-Posted from Circular Economy. By upcycling coconut husks and shrimp shells, Fortuna Cools and Cruz Foam are diverting agricultural waste from landfill and offering circular polystyrene alternatives that match its performance.

A Defiant Optimist: How One Woman Has Reshaped Finance to Fight Global Inequality

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. “By valuing and giving a voice to [women of color], and recognizing their potential as solutions and stabilizers, impact investing is a powerful way to build systemic resilience … and reduce the negative impact of climate change on everyone.” — Durreen Shahnaz

Becoming a Regenerative Enterprise: Stories from the Field

At Biomimicry 3.8’s third annual Project Positive Summit, participants shared progress and groundbreaking new tools for raising the bar on ‘sustainability’ and demonstrating what regenerative design looks like in practice.

In Current Regulatory Climate, Alt Proteins Can’t Cut It in Race to Reduce Impact of Food

Cross-Posted from Circular Economy. Phasing out animal agriculture over the next 15 years could reduce GHGs 68% by the year 2100. Yet, ongoing lobbying and subsidies in the US and EU are not giving alternatives the chance to fully compete.

Salesforce, Deloitte, WEF Calling on Startups Ready to Fuel Sustainable Aviation

The challenge seeks next-generation aviation solutions including alternative fuels and propulsion technologies; and innovations in feedstock, engineering, and physical and market infrastructure.

Tourism Shaped by 'Unseen' Communities Surfaces Unheard Stories, Infuses Capital Into Destinations

Instead of the traditional approach of shielding tourists from places' 'messy' parts, more travel-focused social enterprises are working with marginalized communities to introduce tourists to their destination’s complex fabric.

Waste Is Only Waste If We Waste It: Demystifying Anaerobic Digestion

The benefits of anaerobic digestion for recycling various kinds of organic farm waste are far-reaching — including waste management, renewable energy generation, GHG reduction, economic advantages and agricultural sustainability.

Increasing Accessibility and Revitalizing Forgotten Devices: Shouldn’t We Be Able to Upgrade Our Laptops?

Cross-Posted from Circular Economy. Those who regularly partake in upgrade programs will have access to the best possible devices, while partaking in a sustainable business practice that enhances the wellbeing of people and the planet.

Researchers Upcycling Kale, Plastic Waste Into Personal Care, Pharmaceutical Ingredients

Cross-Posted from Circular Economy. Savvy scientists from Scotland and Singapore have developed sustainable ways to breathe new life into vegetable and plastic waste, as well as local manufacturing.

Why a Circular Dress Code Will Always Be in Style

Cross-Posted from Circular Economy. Technology is the magic thread weaving the circular textile narrative together to ensure that fashion isn’t just a statement — but a sustainable, end-to-end lifecycle that respects our planet.

Starbucks Expands ‘100% Reusables’ Tests in Bid to Sink Disposable Cup Waste

Cross-Posted from Consumer Behavior Change. Since 2021, Starbucks has been testing the 100% reusables model across more than 25 markets. With most of its beverages enjoyed on the go, the company continues to test and learn how to best encourage customers to embrace reusables.

Free, Open-Source Recycling Ecosystem Is Making Plastic ‘Precious’

Cross-Posted from Circular Economy. Precious Plastic is all about democratizing circularity. And it’s enabling a new form of craftsmanship: One in which anyone, anywhere, can start a small business recycling and making new products from plastic waste.

Could Coastal Carbon Capture Clean Up Atmospheric Carbon at Gigaton Scale?

Vesta is accelerating natural processes using carbon-removing olivine sand to promote coastal resilience, advance ocean uptake and storage of carbon dioxide, and reduce ocean acidity.