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Walking the Talk

These companies have moved beyond pledges and are making good on their commitments to pursuing a purpose beyond profit.

Net Zero: 4 Signs We’re on the Verge of a Systems Change

Cross-Posted from The Next Economy. The roadmap and momentum are there; so, the big issue now is acceleration. We have the capacity to build a better future — and right now, some leaders are driving a fundamental redefinition of value by adopting new metrics and standards.

Carbon Footprint Measurement and Challenges: A Case Study

Cross-Posted from The Next Economy. Cuningham was commissioned to estimate GHG emissions for a company with $6.6B in annual sales and operations in 14 states, with 305 locations comprising more than 4M square feet. Companies’ real work begins when their GHGs are known and they can decide how to respond to newfound knowledge about their impacts.

Trending: Baby Steps on Eliminating Transport Emissions Still Leave Big Carbon Footprint

Wednesday was Transport Day at COP26; and promising corporate and government pledges came together from airlines, automakers and the shipping industry. But the question remains: Are we doing enough, fast enough?

Roots of Change: How Fairtrade Is Unlocking Climate Resilience, Fairer Incomes for Cocoa Farmers

Cross-Posted from Supply Chain. In a recent webinar, representatives from throughout the Fairtrade ecosystem, along with partners Lidl and Tony’s Chocolonely, discussed how the NGO and its partner brands are working to finally make cocoa farming sustainable for producers.

3 Key Drivers for the Regenerative Leadership We Need

Cross-Posted from Leadership. At SB’21 San Diego, leaders from a variety of industries and disciplines seemed to agree on three key drivers necessary for the regenerative leadership our world needs.

Consent and the Climate Crisis: How Learnings From #MeToo Can Reframe the Conversation

If #MeToo has taught us anything, it’s that the privileged cannot ultimately succeed if others suffer as a result. So, too, humanity cannot thrive if nature, future generations and the less privileged have no voice in the decisions we make.

COP 2030 Deforestation Commitment: More Hot Air or Game-Changer for our Planet?

One of the most noteworthy pledges to come out of COP26 so far sees over 100 governments, responsible for 86 percent of the world’s forests, committing to end deforestation by 2030. Now, we must immediately take this lofty vision and make it a reality.

A Smoke-Free, Carbon-Neutral Future: PMI’s Plan to Accelerate Climate Goals While Transforming Its Business

By disclosing our Low-Carbon Transition Plan, we encourage investors and other stakeholders to evaluate whether our company is on the right path, give us feedback, and have an open dialogue with us. I am confident our actions will speak louder than our words.

VF Corp Shows How Science-Based Targets Can Help Measure True Progress on Sustainability

Setting climate targets is one thing, but achieving them has often proven a challenge. According to VF Corp’s VP of Global Sustainability, Jeannie Renne-Malone, part of the reason for the company’s success was due to making sustainability a company-wide effort rather than a niche project.

The Engagement Imperative: How Organizations Can Align with Their Communities’ Needs

How can organizations best align their core business activities with community wellbeing? That was the topic of a recent Sustainable Brands webinar hosted by EVERFI and featuring insights from AT&T, EcoRise and Hershey.

SBTi Launches World-First Net-Zero Corporate Standard

Cross-Posted from New Metrics. The Standard clarifies that rapid action to halve emissions before 2030 and long-term deep emissions cuts of 90-95% before 2050 are crucial for net-zero targets to align with science.

COP26: Maintaining the Momentum

Like Earth Day, COP26 might rally internal measures on sustainability issues right now, but how can businesses stay on course and maintain that passion and focus once the moment has been and gone?

Tourism Carbon Labels Educate Travelers, Motivate Companies to Reduce Emissions

Cross-Posted from Marketing and Comms. Given the pandemic pause, it’s hard to say whether these labels will sway decision-making for travelers. Regardless, these publicly shared labels hold travel companies accountable for measuring, sharing and continuing to reduce their carbon emissions.

How Kao Is Creating a More Sustainable, Beautiful, ‘Kirei’ Life for All

Through its Kirei Lifestyle Plan, Kao aims to empower at least 1 billion people to live more gently and sustainably by 2030. We caught up with Kao’s Dave Muenz to hear about the company’s progress toward its goals; and how the pandemic has both impacted, but also provided opportunities for, progress on sustainability.

70% of Sustainability Experts Doubt Our Ability to Pull Together on Climate Action

In a new report, experts surveyed say all sectors must play a role in achieving Paris Agreement goals. But, they also believe that public pressure is essential for an adequate response to humanity’s “Code Red” — that a lack of public understanding and action pose their own threat.

Hey, Corporate America: Please Stop Saying, ‘We’ve Always Done Sustainability!’

Because it begs this response: “Really? If you’ve been doing sustainability for decades, why is the planet (and the human race) in the trouble it’s in?” And corporate America doesn’t really have a good answer to that.

What Happens When an Environmental Leader Finally Claims the Mantle? NRS Asked Triple Gap & Valutus to Find Out

Cross-Posted from Marketing and Comms. A leader in the water sports industry, NRS was shy about tooting its sustainability horn. So, it asked us: How much value does the market place on brand-level commitment to sustainability vs. product-level initiatives? Turns out, touting any of the brand’s many attributes generated a significant increase in consumer preference.

1.8M Fairtrade Farmers to World Leaders: 'Keep Your Climate Promises'

Cross-Posted from Marketing and Comms. Signed by Fairtrade producers in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, the letter warns governments of developed nations that their lack of climate action is threatening farmers' livelihoods and global food supplies.

The Purpose Advantage: How to Activate Purpose to Build New Brand Value

Join us at SB’21 San Diego on Monday, October 18th — for a 2-hour workshop designed to arm every participant with the ideas and tools necessary to create a more powerful and purposeful brand.

'Bringing Humanity Back to Business': 10 Insights from Paul Polman

Cross-Posted from Leadership. Carol Cone — internationally recognized Purpose pioneer and host of the Purpose 360 podcast — spoke with the former Unilever CEO and fellow Purpose pioneer on the eve of the release of his new book, Net Positive.
