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Research Insights:
Sustainability Claims that Drive Consumer Purchase

Research Insights: Sustainability Claims that Drive Consumer Purchase
Research Insights: Sustainability Claims that Drive Consumer Purchase
Thursday, April 25, 2024
1:00pm EST / 10:00am PST / 6:00pm GMT / 7:00pm CET
Sponsored By
Sustainable Brands
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Greenwashing and greenhushing and green marketing, oh my! If, when, and how to communicate sustainability in marketing claims continues to be loudly debated, while new buzzwords are coined to describe suspected trends. Quantitative research from NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business demonstrates the actual purchasing of sustainable products is consistently growing in share over time. In this session, Randi Kronthal-Sacco, Senior Scholar at NYU Stern CSB, will review the latest findings from the 2023 Sustainable Market Share Index, which analyzes transaction data of consumer packaged goods (CPG) that make sustainability claims on their package. She will also share findings on which environmental sustainability claims are most compelling to consumers in driving their purchasing decisions, and how these claims amplify brand reach when paired with core category claims.

Participants will learn:

  • How the market share of CPG products marketed with sustainable attributes has grown over time compared to conventionally marketed products of the same category
  • Which product categories now require sustainability attributes as "table stakes" to be competitive, and which are primed for innovation opportunities and a first-mover advantage
  • Which specific environmental sustainability claims resonate most with consumers when making purchase decisions, and which fall flat
  • A messaging framework to best capture the consumer
  • What populations over- and under-index for which types of claims, and which messages are universally appealing across demographics including age and political affiliation

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Rachel Whitacre
Director of Consumer Insights and Activation
Sustainable Brands


Research Insights: Sustainability Claims that Drive Consumer Purchase

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