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Benoit Beaufils

Benoit Beaufils is tagged in 7 stories.
Why Purpose Brands Think Beyond the Consumer
Why Purpose Brands Think Beyond the Consumer

Stakeholder Trends and Insights / For many marketers or entrepreneurs, building a business with a purpose is the Holy Grail. It feels great – and we all want to do a job that makes sense. And it’s good business: brands with a purpose work better – Jim Stengel and a few others have clearly made the point.But building a business with a purpose requires a change of paradigm. For many of us, that means unlearning what we studied at marketing school. - 8 years ago

Imagine a World Where Generosity Pays …
Imagine a World Where Generosity Pays …

Innovation & Technology / A world where inclusion is valued more than exclusionA world where trust triumphs over doubtA world where possibilities outnumber limitationsA world where the more you give, the more you gainIn many ways, the world we have created is designed for greed, not for generosity, and we want to change this. Most of us value generosity, but we struggle to let it work for us.Let’s not pretend that generosity is easy, that we are wired for it, or that it is commonplace. It is not. Yet most would agree that “generosity” is needed to thrive, to grow, to prosper and to succeed.Generosity Pays: An idea with currency for our new social world - 10 years ago

How Can You Transform a Toxic Brand Into One That Is Loved More Than Before?
How Can You Transform a Toxic Brand Into One That Is Loved More Than Before?

Marketing & Communications / It was a Sunday of June 1999. I was strolling in a forest of Luxembourg with my children. When the phone rang, I saw a number from the office and fumbled. One my colleagues talked about a small crisis, and asked if I could get to the Coca-Cola office for a talk. I was over two hours away from Brussels. I assumed the “crisis” to be the petty worry of an overanxious manager, and considered myself lucky to have an escape. - 10 years ago

Brand Deep Dives: A Tool to Co-Create Common Convictions
Brand Deep Dives: A Tool to Co-Create Common Convictions

Marketing & Communications / In this series, Christophe Fauconnier & Benoit Beaufils, respectively CEO & founding partner of brand consultancy Innate Motion, present the tools that the company uses to develop purposeful, mission-driven brands with their clients. Benoit & Christophe view their tools as a free “thoughtware” suite, and propose that readers borrow and reapply. - 10 years ago

Developing a Purposeful Brand: A Practitioner’s Toolbox, Part Three
Developing a Purposeful Brand: A Practitioner’s Toolbox, Part Three

Marketing & Communications / In this series, Christophe Fauconnier & Benoit Beaufils, respectively CEO & founding partner of brand consultancy Innate Motion, present the tools that the company uses to develop purposeful, mission-driven brands with their clients. Benoit & Christophe view their tools as a free “thoughtware” suite, and propose that readers borrow and reapply. - 10 years ago

Developing a Purposeful Brand: A Practitioner’s Toolbox, Part Two
Developing a Purposeful Brand: A Practitioner’s Toolbox, Part Two

Marketing & Communications / In this series, Christophe Fauconnier & Benoit Beaufils, respectively CEO & founding partner of brand consultancy Innate Motion, present the tools that the company uses to develop purposeful, mission-driven brands with their clients. Benoit & Christophe view their tools as a free “thoughtware” suite, and propose that readers borrow and reapply. Read part one in the toolbox: people immersions. - 10 years ago

Developing a Purposeful Brand: A Practitioner’s Toolbox, Part One
Developing a Purposeful Brand: A Practitioner’s Toolbox, Part One

Marketing & Communications / In this series, Benoit Beaufils, founding partner of brand consultancy Innate Motion, along with several of his partners, presents the tools that the company uses to develop purposeful, mission-driven brands with their clients. Benoit views their tools as a free “thoughtware” suite, and proposes that readers borrow and reapply.Tool #1. People immersions.Jack* rushes into the meeting room, and goes straight for a seat. “How was it?” the others ask. “Unbelievable. Unbelievable.” He pauses, and tells the story: - 11 years ago