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Chris Docherty

Managing Director
Windward Commodities

Chris manages Windward Commodities’ overall operations and investment portfolio; is Chairman of its sugar businesses; and has wide experience in blue chip corporates in oil and agricultural sectors, and as a social entrepreneur across the Caribbean and Southern Africa. He has a flexible, practical mindset and broad international experience, centred on establishing brands backed by sustainable supply chains in domestic and export markets for the benefit of producers. Experience and qualifications include:

  • Over a decade with Shell International in senior roles, including as global fuels marketing manager leading the development of the Shell V-Power fuels brand.
  • Formation of the Barbados-based West Indies Sugar & Trading Co as a JV with the government of Barbados. The company brands sugar for regional and export markets including UK and supports the wider industry in order to support the wider industry.
  • Establishment of Windward Commodities, an international leader in the development of brands in commodity sectors. Windward now has operations in Africa, the Caribbean and Asia Pacific and works with partners ranging from foundations and governments to multi-billion US$ multinationals, small farmer co-operatives and SMEs.

Chris earned a MA from Oxford University and a Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing. He believes that development can be driven by the application of private sector marketing and supply chain principles to social and environmental issues.

Chris Docherty is tagged in 2 stories.
Back to the ‘50s: Predictions for a Post-Coronavirus World
Back to the ‘50s: Predictions for a Post-Coronavirus World

The Next Economy / With luck, we’ll avoid the worst case scenario and be able to ignore this article. But some of the trends are already in motion; and even if the pandemic and its consequences are severe, they offer opportunities for brands that can embrace them. - 4 years ago

The Art of Failure: Lessons for Brands from the Bottom of the Pyramid
The Art of Failure: Lessons for Brands from the Bottom of the Pyramid

Supply Chain / Let me tell you a few things about failure — a subject on which I’m something of an expert. - 5 years ago