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Erol Odabasi

Director of Sustainability, Medical Device & Diagnostics

Erol's mission is to enable improved customer, employee, community & business health by delivering responsible and accessible products and services for today and tomorrow.

Erol Odabasi is tagged in 1 stories.
Hospital Sustainability Gets Shot in the Arm: 80% Now Expected to Consider Sustainable Product Purchasing
Hospital Sustainability Gets Shot in the Arm: 80% Now Expected to Consider Sustainable Product Purchasing

Products and Design / It’s that time of year: vaccine season — your local hospital is probably already advertising free flu shots. But this fall, something’s different. If your provider is like the 300 global healthcare professionals my company, Johnson & Johnson, and Harris Poll recently surveyed, chances are your hospital has “gone green” — 80 percent of global respondents now expect their hospitals will consider sustainability when purchasing products within the next two years. - 9 years ago