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Geoff Kendall

Co-Founder & CEO
Future-Fit Foundation

Geoff is an entrepreneur whose experience spans sustainability consulting, high-tech startups, and academic research.

Geoff Kendall is tagged in 8 stories.
Your SDG Strategy Must Consider More Than Your Financials
Your SDG Strategy Must Consider More Than Your Financials

New Metrics / The Sustainable Development Goals serve as an urgent call to action for companies to pay as much attention to their extra-financial performance as to their financial performance. - 4 years ago

Is your SDG Response Defensive, Selective or Holistic?
Is your SDG Response Defensive, Selective or Holistic?

Marketing and Comms / Take a minute to scan your last sustainability report’s CEO statement, and to peel back the glossy SDG infographics. Can you say, hand on heart, that your company’s current SDG response really is creating system-wide value? - 4 years ago

Lest We Forget: We Already Have a Blueprint for Safe, Healthy, Post-COVID Future
Lest We Forget: We Already Have a Blueprint for Safe, Healthy, Post-COVID Future

Business Case / This pandemic throws a spotlight on the interdependencies between business, nature and society. It may be tempting right now, when it is hard to see beyond the next few weeks, to dismiss the SDGs as a distraction. But they have been described as a “crowd-sourced purchase order from the future” precisely because they offer a tremendous business opportunity. - 4 years ago

Striving for Future-Fitness: A Lesson from the Suffragettes
Striving for Future-Fitness: A Lesson from the Suffragettes

Organizational Change / Societal expectations shift incessantly, like stones on a beach. Some ideas ripple gently across our collective consciousness, leaving barely a trace, while others swell and gather momentum, swelling into waves capable of dislodging the largest rocks. Established norms, which until moments before seemed immutable, are swept away. On February 6th, 1918, the Suffragettes won the right for women in the UK to vote. Not all women — it took another decade for this particular rock to right itself — but one hundred years ago today was the moment that the wave came crashing inexorably down. - 6 years ago

How to Prove Skeptical Stakeholders Wrong on the Road to Fulfilling Your Brand Purpose
How to Prove Skeptical Stakeholders Wrong on the Road to Fulfilling Your Brand Purpose

Marketing and Comms / “Purpose is like Pokémon - everybody is chasing it and nobody knows why,” “Mr. Goodvertising,” Thomas Kolster, mused at the start of the Tuesday morning plenary session at SB’16 Copenhagen. Articulating purpose is central to modern branding. And in a world where the majority of market value is drawn from intangible assets, “brand is king,” Kolster said. - 7 years ago

How to Know a Truly Sustainable Company When You See One
How to Know a Truly Sustainable Company When You See One

Product, Service & Design Innovation / “There was an American comedian 100 years ago that said, ‘If we don’t change direction soon, then we’ll end up where we’re going.’ Where we’re going at the moment is not very pretty.”So said Geoff Kendall, CEO of the Future Fit Foundation, as he opened this breakout session, continuing by explaining that a clear, defined destination is needed for companies to know where they should be headed.“At the start of any journey, the most important step is to understand what the destination is; something that we have been lacking in the sustainability world. That is what the Future Fit Business Benchmark is.” - 8 years ago

What Makes a Board Fit for the Future?
What Makes a Board Fit for the Future?

New Metrics / Any regular follower of SB knows that most companies must transform their business models if they are to start helping - rather than hindering - society's transition to a sustainable future; and this year will only see expectations grow, with the launch of the SDGs. - 9 years ago

Changing the Way Non-Financial Performance Is Measured, and Thus Managed, in Pursuit of Future-Fit Businesses
Changing the Way Non-Financial Performance Is Measured, and Thus Managed, in Pursuit of Future-Fit Businesses

New Metrics / Think of a company, any company. Got one? OK. Now ask yourself this: Is the company truly sustainable, in everything it does and sells? If not, then how must the company change before it is? - 9 years ago