Ryan co-founded Sambazon in 2000, built its initial infrastructure in Brazil and the U.S., and continues to drive the strategic development of the company as CEO. Today, Ryan leads a new generation of social entrepreneurs who successfully use business to create positive economic change. A global leader in Triple Bottom Line (people, planet, prosperity) business practices, he travels globally, educating and mentoring ecological, community-minded next generation entrepreneurs. Ryan played professional football in both the NFL and European Football Leagues and graduated with a BA in Finance from University of Colorado, Boulder.
Ryan Black
CEO & Founder
Superfoods with Super Partners: Lessons in Building an Ethical, Fair and Sustainable Supply Chain
Find out how Sambazon has built a thriving brand through the power of innovative partnerships and shared value creation in the supply chain. This talk provides details on the company’s recipe for delighting customers while also supporting new, more... View More
SAMBAZON, Ecology Center Seeking College Students with Purposeful Business Ideas
SAMBAZON — the first company to bring organic açaí to the U.S. — and The Ecology Center, a non-profit eco-educational center, have launched their second annual Greenhouse Initiative. ... View More