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Tyler Wagner

Tyler Wagner is tagged in 3 stories.
Introducing: The Bright Side of the Brand
Introducing: The Bright Side of the Brand

Walking the Talk / The “brand purpose” bandwagon has become awfully crowded. And as more and more brands seek to capitalize on the opportunity to cast themselves in a more authentic, meaningful light, the language of “brand purpose” has become weak, watered down and increasingly meaningless. Marketing purpose is easy; embedding purpose is hard work. And while a number of pioneers and purists remain committed to embedding purpose at the organizational level, the temptation to cut corners and to exploit purpose for marketing “quick wins” — rather than to embed it in more meaningful, transformative ways — has become too great to resist. The phenomenon of “purpose-washing” is real. - 6 years ago

The 2 Most Important Pages of Your Sustainability Report
The 2 Most Important Pages of Your Sustainability Report

Marketing and Comms / We’ve done a lot of thinking, and writing, over the years about the broad topic of corporate sustainability and citizenship reporting (see here and here for examples). But for this post, I’m going to narrow the focus to what I believe are the two most important pages of your report: the CEO Letter. Why? Simply put: It’s concise, it comes from the top, and (if properly constructed) it provides readers with critical insight into your citizenship approach — all in the span of one or two (hopefully not three) pages. - 6 years ago

#BusinessCase: Uber’s Leadership Crisis – Or, How Values Impact Brand
#BusinessCase: Uber’s Leadership Crisis – Or, How Values Impact Brand

Product, Service & Design Innovation / It appears that Uber’s chickens have come home to roost. A steady drip of negative stories over the past several weeks has snowballed into a full communications crisis — one that peaked recently, in a public apology from CEO Travis Kalanick, in which he admitted that he “must fundamentally change as a leader and grow up.” Widely hailed as the world’s most valuable startup, the company has been in the headlines lately for all the wrong reasons. - 7 years ago