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Danone North America Expands the Most Comprehensive Regenerative Agriculture Program in the Dairy Industry

Danone North America, the purpose-driven food & beverage leader with a diverse portfolio of dairy and plant-based brands, continues to expand its regenerative farming program, currently the most comprehensive regenerative agriculture dairy program in the U.S.

The company unveiled today its year three results from its multi-year, multi-million-dollar soil health research program. Launched in 2017, the soil health initiative brings together experts and academics to build best-in-class soil health programs to benefit farms and communities across the Danone North America portfolio. Now completing its third year, the research program has nearly tripled to more than 82,000 acres, inclusive of 28,000 organic acres, across the U.S. and Canada, and has recently expanded into almond orchards in the central valley of California.

Read the full release here.