As the father of children who have breakfast at home almost every day, I can’t help but think about the millions of children around the world who start their day without a healthy breakfast. That’s why I’m so excited that Kellogg’s is again donating $1 million to No Kid Hungry® to expand U.S. school breakfast programs.
Kellogg has been a long-time supporter of No Kid Hungry. Our partnership began in 2013 and since then it has grown in size, scope and impact. Through the partnership, we have helped connect more than 390,000 kids with 35 million school breakfasts. This year, we’re teaming up again with No Kid Hungry to make breakfast in the classroom a reality for more schools and more kids in more communities.
Our team here at Kellogg believes strongly in this work. We know the difference breakfast makes. Eating in the morning is important for kids’ nutrition. In fact, research has shown that kids who eat foods in the morning, including a breakfast with cereal and milk, are more likely to have greater intakes of calcium, potassium and vitamin D. We also know that, unfortunately, millions of kids start their school days on empty stomachs because there isn’t enough food at home. We see it first hand when we visit local schools and volunteer at community food banks.
It’s hard to imagine that more than half of the kids who qualify for these breakfasts aren’t receiving them because schools are missing simple equipment like coolers for milk and carts for delivering the food. At the same time, America’s teachers are spending an average of $300 per year from their own pockets to buy food for their students.
Our gift to No Kid Hungry helps schools afford these small purchases they need to make breakfast part of the regular school day. And when they do, students can focus on math and making friends rather than a rumbling stomach. With No Kid Hungry, we’re making it easier for schools to make free and reduced-priced breakfasts part of the regular school day.
Our partnership with No Kid Hungry contributes to our *Breakfasts for Better Days™ *global signature cause commitment to help end hunger and create 3 billion Better Days by the end of 2025. This includes expanding feeding and nutrition education programs so that 2 million children can reach their full potential.
For more information about No Kid Hungry and to make a donation, click here. To apply for a School Breakfast Grant for your school, click here. You can also follow the conversation on Twitter at #PoweredByBreakfast.