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State Farm and Arbor Day Foundation to Plant and Distribute Thousands of Urban-Area Trees in 15 Cities This Fall

State Farm, in partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation, will be holding more than a dozen tree planting and tree distribution events across the U.S. as part of State Farm’s 2021 nationwide urban planting campaign.

LINCOLN, Nebraska (Sept. 21, 2021) – State Farm, in partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation, will be holding more than a dozen tree planting and tree distribution events across the U.S. as part of State Farm’s 2021 nationwide urban planting campaign.

This fall’s projects — located in 15 cities — focus on areas that have been significantly damaged by natural disasters including wildfires, major storms, and extended periods of extreme heat. For the next three months, State Farm will be engaging community volunteers and local employees across the country to plant and distribute more than 7,200 trees in an effort to replant in areas impacted by these weather events.

Read the full release here.