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EDF is tagged in 39 stories. Page 1 of 2.
More Corporate Giants Join Forces to Improve, Scale Business Investments in Climate Solutions
More Corporate Giants Join Forces to Improve, Scale Business Investments in Climate Solutions

3 years ago - Amazon, Disney, Google and Netflix are among the founding companies behind the Business Alliance for Scaling Climate Solutions (BASCS), to increase the scale and impact of business investment in climate solutions.

155 Business Leaders Push Governments for Net-Zero COVID-Recovery Plan
155 Business Leaders Push Governments for Net-Zero COVID-Recovery Plan

4 years ago - In the largest-ever, UN-backed, CEO-led climate advocacy effort, major multinationals — all part of the Science Based Targets initiative — reaffirm their own commitments to achieving zero-carbon economy and call on governments to match their ambition.

EDF Unveils Crowdsourced Platform to Accelerate Sustainable Supply Chains
EDF Unveils Crowdsourced Platform to Accelerate Sustainable Supply Chains

5 years ago - Supply Chain Solutions Center offers tools to help supply chain professionals meet corporate environmental targets.

Kickstarter, EDF Partner to Push for Better Product Development
Kickstarter, EDF Partner to Push for Better Product Development

5 years ago - Kickstarter PBC and the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) today unveiled new features on Kickstarter aimed at helping innovators evaluate and reduce the environmental impact of their products from the concept stage. Kickstarter and EDF worked together to develop an information hub called the Environmental Resource Center, as well as a space where project creators are asked to publicly commit to environmental practices. These features will help thousands of people create sustainable products by embedding environmental considerations into the early planning stages.

Cities, Countries, Companies to Automakers: You Have the Keys to a Zero-Emissions Future
Cities, Countries, Companies to Automakers: You Have the Keys to a Zero-Emissions Future

6 years ago - States, regions, cities and international business are uniting to use their purchasing and policy influence to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) around the world through a new Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Challenge, launched today.

Trending: Global Beauty Industry Joins Forces to Drive Sustainability in Products, Packaging
Trending: Global Beauty Industry Joins Forces to Drive Sustainability in Products, Packaging

6 years ago - Collaborative efforts are advancing sustainability in the beauty industry. FIrst, supported by contributions from major brands and retailers, Forum for the Future and The Sustainability Consortium (TSC) have produced a draft assessment tool for evaluating the sustainability of beauty and personal care products, with the goal of simplifying and aligning the wide array of product assessment criteria in use today.

Execs Agree: Emerging Technologies Key to Business, Environmental Success
Execs Agree: Emerging Technologies Key to Business, Environmental Success

6 years ago - Business strategy, technological innovation and corporate sustainability are increasingly linked in the minds of executives.

New Principles Aim to Drive Investment in Sustainable Fisheries
New Principles Aim to Drive Investment in Sustainable Fisheries

6 years ago - At the World Ocean Summit held last month in Mexico, the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and three impact funds – Meloy Fund, Encourage Capital and Althelia Ecosphere – announced the first-ever set of Principles for Investment in Sustainable Fisheries, aimed at bringing more money into an increasingly critical sector and growing global challenge.

Clean Energy Jobs Now Outnumber Coal, Gas Jobs in 30 US States
Clean Energy Jobs Now Outnumber Coal, Gas Jobs in 30 US States

6 years ago - In case there was still any doubt that fossil fuels are on the decline, new analysis from the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) confirms it: Wind and solar energy jobs now outnumber coal and gas jobs in 30 states.

US Corporate Voices Critical to Saving the Clean Power Plan
US Corporate Voices Critical to Saving the Clean Power Plan

6 years ago - Despite the withdrawal of the US government from the Paris Agreement, many US businesses remain unwavering in their commitment to act on climate change. 2017 was a solid year for corporate climate leadership: 1,700 businesses signed the We Are Still In declaration and nearly half of Fortune 500 companies now have climate and clean energy goals.

Scope 3: The Serious Path Towards Sustainability
Scope 3: The Serious Path Towards Sustainability

6 years ago - More and more companies are making public commitments to cut greenhouse gas emissions outside of their own operations. Why? Because compared to scope 1 and 2 emissions (from direct activities), avoiding scope 3 emissions can have the greatest impact on a corporate footprint. The numbers are clear: The majority of GHG emissions come from indirect activities, both upstream and downstream, in the supply chain. In fact, for most of consumer goods products manufacturing, scope 3 emissions account for over 70 percent of overall GHG emissions. Included is everything from purchasing raw materials to end of life treatment.

Making Large-Scale Energy Efficiency Easier (and More Affordable)
Making Large-Scale Energy Efficiency Easier (and More Affordable)

7 years ago - Energy efficiency is a simple, quick and cost-effective method to reduce both costs and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. That’s why companies are scaling up their energy-efficiency projects in an effort to achieve greater results. And it’s important that they do: Buildings play a considerable role in GHG emissions: Commercial buildings, in particular, make up roughly 20 percent of total U.S. energy. So, it’s no surprise that optimizing building systems is on the rise.

Walmart's Updated Policy Aims to Drive Toxic Chemicals Out of 90K Household Products
Walmart's Updated Policy Aims to Drive Toxic Chemicals Out of 90K Household Products

7 years ago - This week, Walmart updated its sustainable chemistry policy, to eliminate toxic chemicals in thousands of consumable products, such as household cleaners, cosmetics and skincare items, and infant products. This policy includes new goals for the company to restrict over 2,700 harmful chemicals in household products by 2022, increase transparency of ingredients globally, and encourage suppliers to certify their products to credible third-party standards such as EPA Safer Choice. The updated policy applies to 90,000 products from 700 suppliers.

Sustainability Targets + Science: The Smart Business Equation
Sustainability Targets + Science: The Smart Business Equation

7 years ago - A new sense of readiness and willingness from companies is transforming how businesses approach responsible growth. Corporate sustainability is no longer viewed as a trend, but as a necessity. That’s why leading companies across the U.S. and the globe are recognizing that capturing value requires improving energy management, engaging suppliers and driving innovation. One of the most effective ways to do this is by setting targets that are in line with what climate science says in necessary to keep warming below 2 degrees, known as “science-based targets.”

Cleaner Freight: Boost Sustainability at Every Level of the Supply Chain
Cleaner Freight: Boost Sustainability at Every Level of the Supply Chain

7 years ago - From fields to factories, companies are making considerable strides incorporating sustainable strategies across individual stages in their supply chain. But a key part of the supply chain that often gets overlooked is how goods are getting from point A to point B. It might seem obvious to focus on warehouses or office spaces, but because freight acts as the connective tissue between each of these stationary points in the supply chain, ‘greening’ your freight moves may just be the biggest sustainability secret hidden in plain sight.

Consumers Are Applauding as Food Companies Connect with Farmers
Consumers Are Applauding as Food Companies Connect with Farmers

7 years ago - More and more, we no longer eat just with our mouths and stomachs — now we also engage our hearts and minds.

Halting Deforestation: Three Essential Things Your Business Can Do
Halting Deforestation: Three Essential Things Your Business Can Do

7 years ago - One of the most complicated supply chain issues for companies is deforestation. Why? Because deforestation may take place in areas distant from company headquarters in countries that may not have the strongest government regulations.

Walmart’s Project Gigaton: How to Get Started on Your Own Sustainability Journey
Walmart’s Project Gigaton: How to Get Started on Your Own Sustainability Journey

7 years ago - Recently, Walmart announced a bold initiative to cut a gigaton (aka 1 billion tons) of emissions from its supply chain. Achieving this moonshot will require many companies to act — and given the Trump administration’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement, the timing couldn’t be better. I’m often asked, “Why did Walmart do this?” My 25 years of working with companies tells me the answer is obvious: Because it’s good for business!

Report: Renewable Energy Job Opportunities Are Booming in the US
Report: Renewable Energy Job Opportunities Are Booming in the US

7 years ago - If anyone doubts renewable energy is the future for this country, they need only to look at employment numbers. According to a recent report from the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), employers in the renewables sector are hiring people 12 times faster than the rest of the economy.

Walmart Launches Sustainability Platform to Reduce 1GT CO2 Emissions Across Value Chain
Walmart Launches Sustainability Platform to Reduce 1GT CO2 Emissions Across Value Chain

7 years ago - Walmart is the first retailer to adopt a science-based target emissions-reduction plan, in which it aims to reduce its absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 18 percent by 2025, as well as reducing CO2e emissions from upstream and downstream Scope 3 sources by one billion tons (a gigton) between 2015 and 2030.