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ExxonMobil is tagged in 9 stories.
Oregon County Sues Several Fossil-Fuel Giants for Role in 2021 'Heat Dome'
Oregon County Sues Several Fossil-Fuel Giants for Role in 2021 'Heat Dome'

1 year ago - The Multnomah County lawsuit is just one of many emerging efforts to hold corporations responsible for climate change and may set a new precedent for global corporate accountability.

ExxonMobil and BASF Corporation demonstrate new solvent to decrease sulfur emissions
ExxonMobil and BASF Corporation demonstrate new solvent to decrease sulfur emissions

6 years ago - HOUSTON, TX –  ExxonMobil Catalysts and Licensing LLC and  BASF Corporation are conducting a full scale commercial demonstration of a new gas treating solvent at Imperial Oil’s Sarnia Refinery.

400+ Resolutions Show Investors Stepping Up to Tackle ESG Issues
400+ Resolutions Show Investors Stepping Up to Tackle ESG Issues

6 years ago - As You Sow, the Sustainable Investments Institute and Proxy Impact have published an updated Proxy Preview report for 2018. The report offers a comprehensive look at more than 400 shareholder resolutions filed on environmental, social and sustainable governance (ESG) issues.

225 Global Investors Team Up to Spur Most Polluting Companies Into Action on Climate Change
225 Global Investors Team Up to Spur Most Polluting Companies Into Action on Climate Change

6 years ago - Climate risk poses a considerable threat to investors, who stand to lose millions If companies fail to address unsustainable elements in their supply chains. Yet despite growing pressure for action, a vast majority of companies have yet to make meaningful changes.

Activation & Acceleration: Catalyzing Context-Driven Stakeholders
Activation & Acceleration: Catalyzing Context-Driven Stakeholders

7 years ago - Part Nine in a 10-Part Series by Reporting 3.0. See previous parts below.

Should the Fossil Fuel Industry Be Taxed to Pay for Climate Damage?
Should the Fossil Fuel Industry Be Taxed to Pay for Climate Damage?

8 years ago - More than 60 environmental leaders and organizations have signed The Carbon Levy Project declaration, calling for a tax on fossil fuel extraction that would help pay for damages caused by climate change. The declaration states that fossil fuel companies are accountable for around 70 percent of present day global warming and should be held accountable for the resulting costs to the countries most affected. Signatories include author Naomi Klein, 350.org’s Bill McKibben, and Greenpeace’s Kumi Naidoo.

VW Scandal a Growing-Up Time for the CSR Movement
VW Scandal a Growing-Up Time for the CSR Movement

9 years ago - The scandal that erupted recently around Volkswagen’s “diesel” pollution scam is going to reverberate across the corporate world − and so it should. All around the world surveys have shown that a majority of consumers care about whether the companies they buy from are “green” and “good.” Yet those same surveys show that consumers are confused as to whether the companies they buy from really are good and skeptical of company claims in this regard.

Report: Fossil Fuel Industry Long Deceiving the Public on Climate Change
Report: Fossil Fuel Industry Long Deceiving the Public on Climate Change

9 years ago - The Union of Concerned Scientists released a report this week documenting the deception tactics used by fossil fuel companies in spreading misinformation about climate change. The Climate Deception Dossiers contains 85 internal memos showing a variety of efforts to manufacture uncertainty about climate science.Fossil fuel companies have long been aware of the harmful impacts of their products and have intentionally deceived the public to deny this harm, the report argues. The authors present a small history lesson evidencing the extent of companies’ dishonesty.

How Plastics Packaging Can Exemplify Sustainability
How Plastics Packaging Can Exemplify Sustainability

11 years ago - The rapid adoption of plastics in innumerable applications over the years stems from their overall benefits versus other materials; in particular, their reliability, ease of manufacturing, lighter weight and affordability.