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McKinsey is tagged in 22 stories. Page 1 of 2.
McKinsey: Circular Economy for Cement Could Be Worth €110B by 2050
McKinsey: Circular Economy for Cement Could Be Worth €110B by 2050

1 year ago - The concrete industry is responsible for 8% of all global carbon emissions; and 30-40% of today’s solid waste is created through the construction and maintenance of the built environment.

Store Shelves of the Future: Packaging for a Circular Economy
Store Shelves of the Future: Packaging for a Circular Economy

1 year ago - We recently gathered leaders from McKinsey, Unilever and Colgate-Palmolive to ponder what consumer products and their packaging will look like in 2035 and beyond.

Logitech, Nestlé, PepsiCo Among Founding Members of Design for Good Alliance
Logitech, Nestlé, PepsiCo Among Founding Members of Design for Good Alliance

2 years ago - The non-profit global alliance features nine organizations committed to dedicating the power of their design communities to addressing the UN SDGs — beginning with SDG 6: clean water and sanitation.

Trending: Welcome to the Age of Stakeholder Capitalism
Trending: Welcome to the Age of Stakeholder Capitalism

3 years ago - Two global coalitions have committed to make good on their companies’ DEI commitments; and adhere to a new set of Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics, respectively. Larry Fink’s annual CEO letter expounds on the need for both.

Q&A: South Pole on Its Next-Gen Climate Neutrality Certification
Q&A: South Pole on Its Next-Gen Climate Neutrality Certification

5 years ago - With the urgency of reducing our carbon footprint becoming more visible by the day, it’s great to see more and more brands making claims about their carbon reductions.

Targeting Energy Use Along Product Life Cycles: 4 Steps to Achieving SDG 7
Targeting Energy Use Along Product Life Cycles: 4 Steps to Achieving SDG 7

5 years ago - 20 percent of the world population lacks access to modern electricity, but access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy is crucial to achieving many of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), from poverty alleviation via advancements in health, education, water supply and industrialization to mitigating climate change.

Circulate Capital Incubator Network to Accelerate Ocean Plastic Solutions in Asia
Circulate Capital Incubator Network to Accelerate Ocean Plastic Solutions in Asia

6 years ago - Circulate Capital, the impact-focused investment management firm dedicated to financing companies, projects and infrastructure that prevent ocean plastic; and SecondMuse, a global business accelerator that works with local stakeholders, leading corporations and government agencies to build resilient economies, today announced the launch of The Incubator Network by Circulate Capital and SecondMuse, a new initiative to accelerate solutions to ocean plastic waste by partnering with existing incubators t

Report: Scaling Circular Economy in China Could Save Businesses, Households ¥70T by 2040
Report: Scaling Circular Economy in China Could Save Businesses, Households ¥70T by 2040

6 years ago - New research from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation (EMF) finds that a transition to a circular economy in China’s cities could make goods and services more affordable for citizens while reducing the impacts normally associated with middle-class lifestyles. The findings are being presented today at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Tianjin, China.

Q&A: Will We Go 'All In'? The Past, Present and Future of Sustainability Leadership
Q&A: Will We Go 'All In'? The Past, Present and Future of Sustainability Leadership

6 years ago - Written by three leading thinkers in the field of sustainability — Chris Coulter, CEO of GlobeScan; David Grayson, Emeritus of Corporate Responsibility at Cranfield University School of Management; and Mark Lee, Executive Director of SustainAbility — All In: The future of Business Leadership (Taylor & Francis, 2018) identifies the essential attributes of high-impact corporate sustainability leadership and describes how companies can combine and apply those characteristics for future success.

CDP Names 58 Companies Leading the Charge Against Climate-Related Supply Chain Risks
CDP Names 58 Companies Leading the Charge Against Climate-Related Supply Chain Risks

6 years ago - The number of companies committed to tackling emissions in the supply chain has doubled over the last year, according to new research from CDP and McKinsey & Company.

Over 250 CEOs Pledge to Advance Diversity in the Workplace
Over 250 CEOs Pledge to Advance Diversity in the Workplace

7 years ago - Only one month after 175 CEOs came together to launch the CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion™, nearly 100 additional CEOs have taken the pledge, committing themselves — and the organizations they lead — to advance diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

AVs, Shared Mobility, IoT to Shape Future Urban Mobility, Says New McKinsey Report
AVs, Shared Mobility, IoT to Shape Future Urban Mobility, Says New McKinsey Report

7 years ago - Urban mobility is undergoing a dramatic transformation with the emergence of new technology and transportation services. The pace and extent of this transformation will vary from city to city and depends largely on factors such as density, household income, the state of existing infrastructure, pollution and congestion levels, as well as local governance capabilities.

McKinsey: Embracing Resource-Efficient Tech Innovations Could Yield $1T for Global Economy
McKinsey: Embracing Resource-Efficient Tech Innovations Could Yield $1T for Global Economy

7 years ago - The ways we consume energy and produce commodities are changing. A new report by the McKinsey Global Institute finds that this transformation could benefit the global economy to the tune of $1 trillion, but resource producers will have to adapt to stay competitive.

Why Recycling Will Be a Last Resort in a Truly Circular Economy
Why Recycling Will Be a Last Resort in a Truly Circular Economy

8 years ago - The circular economy represents a fundamental shift in the way resources, energy and information flow through our economy. A key characteristic of this framework is that products and components remain at their highest levels of integrity and performance. So is recycling part of the picture?

Report: The Future of Plastics Can (and Should) Be Circular
Report: The Future of Plastics Can (and Should) Be Circular

8 years ago - Plastic packaging is not only an environmental problem, it is economically wasteful, too. Most plastic packaging is only used once, leading to 95 percent of the value of plastic packaging – worth $80-120 billion annually – being tossed and lost to the economy.

Lexmark Predicts Connected Future Built on ‘Economy of Use’
Lexmark Predicts Connected Future Built on ‘Economy of Use’

9 years ago - The emerging Internet of Things (IoT) space represents one of the most disruptive, yet lucrative, forces in the business world today. Research by McKinsey & Co estimates that IoT technology offers a potential economic impact of $3.9 trillion to $11.1 trillion a year by 2025. At the top end, that level of value would be equivalent to about 11 percent of the world economy.

Trending: Even Yet Still More Evidence Pointing to #BusinessCase for Circular Economy
Trending: Even Yet Still More Evidence Pointing to #BusinessCase for Circular Economy

9 years ago - More and more evidence continues to emerge that points to the literal wealth of untapped potential of shifting to a circular economy. Today, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the McKinsey Center for Business and Environment, and SUN (Stiftungsfonds für Umweltökonomie und Nachhaltigkeit) present the results of a major new study at the European Commission’s stakeholder conference on the circular economy in Brussels.

Ellen MacArthur on Leading a Complex System of Global Change
Ellen MacArthur on Leading a Complex System of Global Change

9 years ago - Since Ellen MacArthur made the transition in 2009 from world-record-breaking sailor to champion of the circular economy, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation has become a driving force behind shifting our approach to business away from that of take-make-waste to one centered on resilience, reuse and optimality.

Dell Identifies UK as 'Hotspot' for Circular Economy Conversation
Dell Identifies UK as 'Hotspot' for Circular Economy Conversation

9 years ago - Corporate circular economy strategies are starting to mature: A recent survey on this topic found that 28 percent of organizations now consider their own circular strategies to be highly advanced, and core to what they do. However, a significant number (19 percent) are just starting out on this journey and exploring ways in which they can integrate circular principles into their business models.

Tradeshift Waiving Fees for Companies Building Circular Economy Apps
Tradeshift Waiving Fees for Companies Building Circular Economy Apps

9 years ago - Tradeshift, which digitally connects enterprises with their suppliers via a cloud-based platform, announced on Tuesday that it will waive the 30 percent revenue share it receives, for organizations that use its platform to build apps that help to support the circular economy. Organizations that build apps supporting the circular economy will receive all profit from their app.