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United Nations

United Nations is an international organization that can take action on the issues confronting humanity in the 21st century, such as peace and security, climate change, sustainable development, human rights, disarmament, terrorism, humanitarian and health emergencies, gender equality, governance, food production, and more.

United Nations

United Nations is tagged in 152 stories. Page 2 of 8.
Airbnb, UNESCO Partner to Promote Cultural Tourism — Starting in Mexico
Airbnb, UNESCO Partner to Promote Cultural Tourism — Starting in Mexico

2 years ago - The initiative will promote destinations and experiences outside the traditional tourist circuit — engaging local tourist communities, integrating the creative and cultural sector into local tourism value chains, and contributing to the development of responsible tourism.

More Corporate Giants Join Forces to Improve, Scale Business Investments in Climate Solutions
More Corporate Giants Join Forces to Improve, Scale Business Investments in Climate Solutions

3 years ago - Amazon, Disney, Google and Netflix are among the founding companies behind the Business Alliance for Scaling Climate Solutions (BASCS), to increase the scale and impact of business investment in climate solutions.

Latin America, Caribbean Embrace Transition to Circular Economy
Latin America, Caribbean Embrace Transition to Circular Economy

3 years ago - A regional coalition, led by UNEP, will support access to financing by the public and private sector, with special emphasis on SMEs — to foster innovation and the implementation of specific projects in the region.

UN Business and Human Rights Forum, Day 3: Business Must Approach DEI Issues Through a Human Rights Lens
UN Business and Human Rights Forum, Day 3: Business Must Approach DEI Issues Through a Human Rights Lens

3 years ago - The irony at this Forum is that so much of the conversation is about abuses in company supply chains, often far outside company walls. However, race discrimination is also close to home — taking place every day within the companies themselves. 

UN Business and Human Rights Forum, Day 2: What’s New in Mandatory Human Rights ’Due Diligence’ Law?
UN Business and Human Rights Forum, Day 2: What’s New in Mandatory Human Rights ’Due Diligence’ Law?

3 years ago - Companies are obliged to monitor and manage environmental and human rights standards in their supply chains. This week saw major steps forward in support for enforcing human rights due diligence by law, as well as major debates in shaping the new laws. Here are my 10 takeaways from the debates.

UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, Day 1: ‘The Most Vulnerable Are Always in Your Supply Chain’
UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, Day 1: ‘The Most Vulnerable Are Always in Your Supply Chain’

3 years ago - What links the two major themes to emerge from the day — COVID and climate — is the need for companies to take steps to assist vulnerable people in supply chains, and to ensure their needs are always taken into account.

We Need Safe Water to Fight COVID-19 — And We Need to Provide It Now
We Need Safe Water to Fight COVID-19 — And We Need to Provide It Now

3 years ago - Now that we have entered a moment of heightened global awareness of safe water as a cornerstone of public health and community well-being, we must join hands with others to make the investments needed to save lives. 

Global Maker Challenge Finalists Tackling Food, Trade, Justice, Circularity
Global Maker Challenge Finalists Tackling Food, Trade, Justice, Circularity

3 years ago - This year’s global challenges centered around four themes: Sustainable and Healthy Food for All, Climate Change/Circular Economy, Innovation for Inclusive Trade, and Innovation for Peace and Justice.

Q&A: Meet the Team Helping Brands Stay ‘Grounded’ in Their Purpose
Q&A: Meet the Team Helping Brands Stay ‘Grounded’ in Their Purpose

3 years ago - NYC-based brand strategy agency Grounded is on a mission to help brands, retailers and nonprofits activate their purpose and close the stubborn consumer intent-to-action gap.

UNESCO Spotlights What Our ‘Next Normal’ Should Look Like
UNESCO Spotlights What Our ‘Next Normal’ Should Look Like

4 years ago - UNESCO’s new campaign asks us to question our ideas about what is normal, suggesting that we have accepted the unacceptable when it comes to our environment, economies, public health and societies for far too long.

Walking the Talk: How Companies Are Delivering on the Promise of Social Impact
Walking the Talk: How Companies Are Delivering on the Promise of Social Impact

4 years ago - The metrics used by consumers, employees and investors to measure a company’s success are changing quickly, so the most forward-looking businesses are focused on implementing solutions that benefit people, society and the planet more-broadly — while bolstering their bottom line, too.

COP25: Business Persists While Governments Fail
COP25: Business Persists While Governments Fail

4 years ago - While the countries represented at COP25 failed to make significant strides in the fight against climate change, the business community continued to show leadership.

How Business Can Avoid Fuelling Conflict and Work to Build Peace
How Business Can Avoid Fuelling Conflict and Work to Build Peace

4 years ago - On the third and final day at the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, it was clear all businesses are being asked to address a fourth ‘p’ — peace. As well as helping to prevent conflict, companies are increasingly taking responsibility for sustaining peace.

Anti-Corruption, Respect for Human Rights Are Part of One Holistic Business Challenge
Anti-Corruption, Respect for Human Rights Are Part of One Holistic Business Challenge

4 years ago - What Legal Counsels and Chief Compliance Officers have to learn from sustainability and human rights experts is that this can never be a question of compliance alone.

World Food Day: Celebrity Chefs, Soil SuperHeroes Out in Force to Save Our Food System
World Food Day: Celebrity Chefs, Soil SuperHeroes Out in Force to Save Our Food System

4 years ago - In honor of World Food Day (Oct 16), Green America highlights the farmers and food companies leading the regenerative ag revolution; and the World Food Program launches its global Stop the Waste campaign.

Insights from the Big Apple: How Do We Turn the Glitz of Climate Week into Action?
Insights from the Big Apple: How Do We Turn the Glitz of Climate Week into Action?

4 years ago - Climate Week NYC saw the UN declare the 2020s “the decade of delivery.” But while progress has been made, are we too self-congratulatory, staying comfortable within our own echo chambers? Are we really delivering enough at the scale and pace needed?

With Less Than 4,000 Days to Go, Business Contribution to SDGs Falling Woefully Short
With Less Than 4,000 Days to Go, Business Contribution to SDGs Falling Woefully Short

4 years ago - Despite some progress since the goals were launched in 2015, advancement over the past four years has been stifled due to socioeconomic, geopolitical and technological uncertainties, hindering CEOs’ sustainability efforts.

Samsung, UNDP Partner to Push Progress on the SDGs
Samsung, UNDP Partner to Push Progress on the SDGs

4 years ago - New mobile app, special-edition accessories aim to raise awareness of, funding for the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Report: Orgs Committed to UNGC Outperform on Supply Chain Sustainability
Report: Orgs Committed to UNGC Outperform on Supply Chain Sustainability

5 years ago - A new EcoVadis report finds that the greatest gaps between UN Global Compact participants and nonparticipants are in the Sustainable Procurement and Environment themes.

Trending: Closer Looks into Reporting on, Business Benefits of the SDGs
Trending: Closer Looks into Reporting on, Business Benefits of the SDGs

5 years ago - Nearly three-quarters of organisations surveyed (72 percent) mention the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in their annual corporate or sustainability reports — an increase of 10 percent on last year, according to a new study by PwC. But concrete measures and integration remain elusive for many as organisations struggle to identify actions beyond business-as-usual targets.