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United Nations

United Nations is an international organization that can take action on the issues confronting humanity in the 21st century, such as peace and security, climate change, sustainable development, human rights, disarmament, terrorism, humanitarian and health emergencies, gender equality, governance, food production, and more.

United Nations

United Nations is tagged in 152 stories. Page 7 of 8.
BlueBud: How JetBlue Is Helping 'the United Nations of Bread' Get Off the Ground
BlueBud: How JetBlue Is Helping 'the United Nations of Bread' Get Off the Ground

8 years ago - This summer, JetBlue announced New York City-based Hot Bread Kitchen — a social enterprise that builds lasting economic security for foreign-born and low-income women by introducing them to professional opportunities in the culinary industry - as the first winner of its “BlueBud" business mentoring program.

Mars, FAO Partner to Make Food 'Safe and Sustainable' Worldwide
Mars, FAO Partner to Make Food 'Safe and Sustainable' Worldwide

8 years ago - Mars has signed a new partnership agreement with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to help make food safer across the globe, with a specific focus on the developing regions of the global South.The partners will do this by promoting international standards for food safety and quality, improving food safety management to reduce illness caused by unsafe food and improving global access to information. The plan is to share our expertise and data, helping the FAO to identify food safety issues early, as well as to develop tools that will help support food safety programs in developing countries.

#BusinessCase: Why Renewable Energy Will Make or Break Business Success
#BusinessCase: Why Renewable Energy Will Make or Break Business Success

8 years ago - World leaders have shaken hands on the new Sustainable Development Goals that will hopefully be shaping global and local agendas and policies over the next 15 years. The UN Sustainable Development summit coincided with the 7th edition of Climate Week, which was jam-packed with well-timed announcements and strong messages in favor of a low-carbon economy.

Novozymes Encouraging Companies to Seize Opportunities Presented by SDGs
Novozymes Encouraging Companies to Seize Opportunities Presented by SDGs

8 years ago - Representatives of 193 countries met at the United Nations’ annual summit last month to agree on a global agenda for continued growth made up of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs tackle environmental, social and economic issues and will stimulate action from all sectors and stakeholders to build a more sustainable world. The goals reflect the fundamental changes the world needs now and in the future to tackle poverty and climate change, and grow sustainably and equitably. Over the next 15 years, countries are expected to use these goals to frame policies, allocate financing and drive changes that will help build a fair and sustainable world for all.

Virgin Unite's Global Goals Alliance Enlisting 'People Power' to Help Fight for SDGs
Virgin Unite's Global Goals Alliance Enlisting 'People Power' to Help Fight for SDGs

8 years ago - The 17 Global Goals (also known as the Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs) launched late last month by the United Nations (UN) aim to achieve three main objectives in the next 15 years: end extreme poverty; fight inequality and injustice; and tackle climate change. Since the launch, various companies and leaders have pledged to do their part to achieve the goals; now, the latest push is to build worldwide public awareness of the goals through various efforts to “tell everyone” (#TellEveryone), including support from scores of celebrities:

First Draft of COP21 Climate Agreement Released, with Glaring Omissions
First Draft of COP21 Climate Agreement Released, with Glaring Omissions

8 years ago - This week, the first draft of the new climate change agreement set for COP21, the United Nations (UN) international conference on climate change, was presented to governments. The document will act as a concise basis for negotiations for the next negotiating session, which is happening from October 19-23 in Bonn, Germany.

From Backyard Hoodies to Bionic Yarn: How Innovative Business Partnerships Could Help Us Achieve the SDGs
From Backyard Hoodies to Bionic Yarn: How Innovative Business Partnerships Could Help Us Achieve the SDGs

8 years ago - This post is part of a series produced by The Huffington Post, "What's Working: Sustainable Development Goals," in conjunction with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The proposed set of goals was the subject of discussion at the UN General Assembly meeting on Sept. 25-27, 2015 in New York; they cover 17 key areas of development — including poverty, hunger, health, education, and gender equality, among many others.

10 More Cities Commit to Climate Action, Pressure National Governments Ahead of COP21
10 More Cities Commit to Climate Action, Pressure National Governments Ahead of COP21

8 years ago - Last week, 10 cities presented ambitious climate action plans in accordance with the planning and reporting requirements of the Compact of Mayors.

New Tool Helps Businesses Act on Sustainable Development Goals
New Tool Helps Businesses Act on Sustainable Development Goals

8 years ago - GRI, the UN Global Compact and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) have launched a new tool to help companies navigate and contribute to a new set of global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations last week.The SDG Compass is a guide that companies can use to align their strategies with the relevant SDGs, and measure and manage their impacts. It is supported by a live and constantly updated inventory of business indicators and tools.

Climate Week NYC 2015 to COP21: Commit to a Low-Carbon Economy
Climate Week NYC 2015 to COP21: Commit to a Low-Carbon Economy

8 years ago - There is a building sense of urgency among leading businesses, public figures, and concerned citizens as the United Nations’ Conference of the Parties (COP21) approaches.In December, over 190 government representatives will gather in Paris to discuss a new agreement on climate change. The message to them is clear: We need bold action.

Tutu, McKibben, Chomsky Calling for 'Mass Mobilization' to Spur Bold Climate Action at COP21
Tutu, McKibben, Chomsky Calling for 'Mass Mobilization' to Spur Bold Climate Action at COP21

8 years ago - With just less than 100 days until the UN’s Conference of the Parties (COP21) in Paris, where leaders from more than 190 countries will gather to discuss a potential new agreement on climate change, another group has emerged, hoping to ensure a firm and actionable strategy is achieved.

Ethiopian Gene Bank Preserving Agricultural Biodiversity
Ethiopian Gene Bank Preserving Agricultural Biodiversity

9 years ago - The Third International Conference on Financing for Development was held in Ethiopia this week, gathering top government officials to discuss initial implementation plans for the UN’s post-2015 development agenda.

UN Secretary-General Calls on Businesses to Help Finance Sustainable Development
UN Secretary-General Calls on Businesses to Help Finance Sustainable Development

9 years ago - Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday called on the corporate community “to be our partners in supporting and financing this agenda” at a global conference on financing for development.The International Business Forum in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia was tasked with finding resources for a 17-point, 15-year UN plan on meeting human needs, protecting the planet and ending poverty. These Sustainable Development Goals will be up for final approval at the UN General Assembly in September.

Project Everyone Aims to Engage 7 Billion People in the UN Development Goals in 7 Days
Project Everyone Aims to Engage 7 Billion People in the UN Development Goals in 7 Days

9 years ago - In September, The United Nations will launch its post-2015 Development Agenda, which outlines ambitious targets that include ending extreme poverty, promoting equity within and among countries, and addressing climate change on a global scale by 2030.

UN Refugee Agency Buys 10,000 of IKEA's Lightweight 'Better Shelters'
UN Refugee Agency Buys 10,000 of IKEA's Lightweight 'Better Shelters'

9 years ago - IKEA has announced that its line of flat-pack refugee shelters are going into production after being tested among refugee families in Ethiopia, Iraq and Lebanon.The “Better Shelter” is a temporary shelter with an expected lifespan of three years — far longer than conventional refugee shelters, which last about six months. Delivered in flat packs, it is designed with special attention to transport volume, weight, price, safety, health and comfort, and it can be assembled on site without additional tools and equipment. It also has a solar panel and lamp to provide light during the dark hours.

Heineken, UNIDO Team Up to Drive Sustainability Efforts in Water-Scarce Developing Markets
Heineken, UNIDO Team Up to Drive Sustainability Efforts in Water-Scarce Developing Markets

9 years ago - Heineken last week announced plans to team up with The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) as part of a new sustainability initiative to support environmental and social growth movements in the developing world.

UN Global Compact Expels 657 Companies in 2014
UN Global Compact Expels 657 Companies in 2014

9 years ago - The UN Global Compact expelled 372 companies in the second half of 2014 for failure to communicate progress for at least two consecutive years, bringing the total number of expelled companies in 2014 to 657.These expelled companies represent 10 percent of the 3,760 participants due to submit a Communication on Progress (COP) within the second half of 2014. A total of 197 companies achieved the GC Advanced level, reflecting an increased commitment to transparency and accountability.The number of companies joining the UN Global Compact continues to exceed the number of expulsions, with 729 companies from around the world joining the initiative from July through December 2014.

Companies Boosting Profits by Leasing Chemicals
Companies Boosting Profits by Leasing Chemicals

9 years ago - The traditional business model of chemical suppliers selling their products in the largest possible quantities, while profitable, encourages the overuse of chemicals and places a strain on human health and the environment. But another model has emerged that decouples payment from consumption.Chemical leasing is a business model in which chemical manufacturers and distributors charge for the function that the chemicals perform rather than selling chemicals. Companies that use the chemicals pay for the service that the chemicals provide instead of buying the chemical. The model reduces the waste and inefficiency that often occur with the conventional approach to buying and handling chemicals.

Report: Cost of Fighting Climate Change Manageable, Must Cut Emissions to Zero by 2100
Report: Cost of Fighting Climate Change Manageable, Must Cut Emissions to Zero by 2100

9 years ago - Governments can keep climate change in check at manageable costs but will have to cut greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2100 to limit risks of irreversible damage, according to a new UN report, as reported by Reuters.The 40-page synthesis is a summation of 5,000 pages of work by 800 scientists already published since September 2013, and says global warming is now causing more heat extremes, downpours, acidifying the oceans and pushing up sea levels.

Working Towards Zero Deforestation: Lessons from Acre, Brazil
Working Towards Zero Deforestation: Lessons from Acre, Brazil

9 years ago - This post is our second in a series on how companies can reduce deforestation from their supply chains. Read the first post here.What do companies, governments, civil society organizations and indigenous peoples have in common? Despite their differences, they share a common interest in reducing deforestation, which accounts for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.